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Whether for fear of an uncertain economy or reluctance to deal with the inevitable stresses of looking for work, many people feel unwilling or unable to change jobs. So they simply "quit on the job." They disengage, produce less, and bide their time in quiet dissatisfaction, making themselves, and often their coworkers, family, and friends miserable. But there is an alternative. Love It, Don't Leave It provides readers with 26 ways to make their current work environment more satisfying. Presented in an appealing, accessible A-to-Z format, Love It, Don't Leave It includes strategies for improving communication, stimulating career growth, balancing work with family, and much more. Designed for workers at any age and at any stage, Love It, Don't Leave It helps people assume responsibility for the way their work lives work. Readers who try just a few of the strategies in this book may find that the job they want is the job they already have.Whether for fear of an uncertain economy or reluctance to deal with the inevitable stresses of looking for work, many people feel unwilling or unable to change jobs. So they simply "quit on the job." They disengage, produce less, and bide their time in quiet dissatisfaction, making themselves, and often their coworkers, family, and friends miserable. But there is an alternative. Love It, Don't Leave It provides readers with 26 ways to make their current work environment more satisfying. Presented in an appealing, accessible A-to-Z format, Love It, Don't Leave It includes strategies for improving communication, stimulating career growth, balancing work with family, and much more. Designed for workers at any age and at any stage, Love It, Don't Leave It helps people assume responsibility for the way their work lives work. Readers who try just a few of the strategies in this book may find that the job they want is the job they already have.
  • A Wall Street Journal bestseller
  • Winner of the 2004 Publishers Marketing Association Benjamin Franklin Award for Best Career Book
  • From the authors of Love 'Em or Lose 'Em---over 275,000 copies sold
  • Shows the millions of workers who can't afford to leave their jobs in today's slow economy how to find satisfaction right where they are---the What Color Is Your Parachute? for workers who aren't changing jobs
  • Features 26 practical, easy-to-implement strategies in the A-to-Z format that made Love 'Em or Lose 'Em so universally appealing

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Astute managers and entrepreneurs already know that customer loyalty is a necessity for profitable businesses in the '90s and beyond, and they have invested in this knowledge by initiating a wide variety of quality service programs intended to dazzle customers. But while providing dazzling service may tender short-term customer satisfaction, it is a costly and unsustainable approach. Long-term success depends on replacing the superficial transaction-oriented approach with the deeper commitment of partnership-the essence of a value-based approach to serving customers.

Describing the qualities that embody this deeper commitment, Customers As Partners provides examples from the corporate world, small service businesses, and personal experience. Illustrating each key principle with anecdotes and stories, this book shows how all lasting business relationships share the same partnership attributes as a friendship or marriage, and how each is:

o grounded in an attitude of generosity,
o bolstered by a sense of trust,
o propelled by a joint purpose or shared vision,
o served by honesty,
o characterized by a sense of balance, and
o infused with an element of familiarity and ease.

Customers As Partners vividly shows how to achieve lasting success by creating sustaining personal bonds-the true source of a company's profitability. This ground-breaking work provides insights on how to keep the quality of these relationships central in every interaction. It offers a model of partnership where customers offer valuable feedback, support your business by recommending you to others, and forgive mistakes because they feel a reciprocal long-term commitment.

  • How to do the crucial-yet often overlooked-front-end work that will save organizations time and money in their performance improvement programs
  • Provides the step-by-step analysis techniques essential for effective corporate training, quality, and re-engineering programs

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You are not in charge and you want to make a difference: that is the dilemma. You may not know who is in charge in today's changing, temporary, and virtual organizations, but you know you are not! You are searching for ways to contribute through the work you do and gain some personal satisfaction in the process. This book can help you do just that. In this new edition of his classic book, Geoff Bellman shows readers how to make things happen in any organization regardless of their formal position. The new edition has been written for a wider audience, including people in both the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors, paid and volunteer workers, managers and individual contributors, contract and freelance workers. More than seventy percent of the material is brand new, including new examples, new chapters, new exercises, and much more.You are not in charge and you want to make a difference: that is the dilemma. You may not know who is in charge in today's changing, temporary, and virtual organizations, but you know you are not! You are searching for ways to contribute through the work you do and gain some personal satisfaction in the process. This book can help you do just that. In this new edition of his classic book, Geoff Bellman shows readers how to make things happen in any organization regardless of their formal position. The new edition has been written for a wider audience, including people in both the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors, paid and volunteer workers, managers and individual contributors, contract and freelance workers. More than seventy percent of the material is brand new, including new examples, new chapters, new exercises, and much more.
  • New edition of an international bestseller-over 100,000 copies sold-streamlined and updated with new material
  • Offers practical, straightforward advice that people at all levels can use to be more effective in their daily work and life
  • Bellman's informal writing style and long experience combine to create a book that is as fun to read as it is practical to use.

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The Serving Leader
Five Powerful Actions to Transform Your Team, Business, and Community, 10th Anniversary Edition, Revised and Expanded

It's people who make organizations great, so how can leaders best help their people achieve that greatness? As Ken Jennings and John Stahl-Wert show in this new edition of their bestseller, you can't just demand greatness—you have to inspire it. The most effective leaders don't just stand in front of their people, they stand behind them too. As one of the characters in the book notes, “You qualify to be first by putting other people first.” This concept sounds paradoxical, but it leads to extraordinary outcomes—and
The Serving Leader shows precisely how and why.

While Jennings and Stahl-Wert
use a compelling fictional story to outline the basics of Serving Leadership, all the characters in it are based on real people, the organizations depicted are based on real organizations—and the results they achieved are what really happened. This edition features a new foreword by Ken Blanchard, a new introduction, and a new chapter checking back in with Mike, the main character, to see what he has learned in the twelve years since he embraced Serving Leadership

On one level this is the most practical guide available to implementing Serving Leadership; on a deeper level, it is a book about the personal journey of growth that real leadership requires. Great organizations are great because they're filled with people who freely choose to do their very best. It's a maddeningly simple concept yet stunningly hard to execute. Jennings and Stahl-Wert show leaders how to earn that kind of commitment.

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--Cultural Diversity in Organizations provides the most comprehensive base of knowledge yet assembled on the topic of cultural diversity. It captures the enormous complexity of the topic by examining diversity on three levels of analysis-individual, group, and organizational and addressing diversity from multiple perspectives-theory, research, and practice. Winner of the 1994 George R. Terry Book Award given by the National Academy of Management to "the book judged to have made the most outstanding contribution to the advancement o--Cultural Diversity in Organizations provides the most comprehensive base of knowledge yet assembled on the topic of cultural diversity. It captures the enormous complexity of the topic by examining diversity on three levels of analysis-individual, group, and organizational and addressing diversity from multiple perspectives-theory, research, and practice. Winner of the 1994 George R. Terry Book Award given by the National Academy of Management to "the book judged to have made the most outstanding contribution to the advancement of management knowledge
  • Winner of the 1994 George R. Terry Book Award given by the National Academy of Management to "the book judged to have made the most outstanding contribution to the advancement of management knowledge."

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By the bestselling author and XM and Sirius Satellite radio host heard on more than eighty radio stations coast to coast seven days a week Reveals how the middle class, nurtured as the backbone of democracy by our Founding Fathers, is being undermined by so-called conservatives Shows how we can reverse the erosion of the middle class and restore the egalitarian vision of the Founders Expanded edition with a new chapter on immigration and a new afterword by Greg Palast The American middle class is on its deathbed. Ordinary folks who put in a solid day's work can no longer afford to buy a house, send their kids to college, or even get sick. If you're not a CEO, you're probably screwed. America wasn't meant to be like this. Air America Radio host Thom Hartmann shows that our Founding Fathers worked hard to ensure that a small group of wealthy people would never dominate this country--they'd had enough of aristocracy. They put policies in place to ensure a thriving middle class. When the middle class took a hit, beginning in the post-Civil War Gilded Age and culminating in the Great Depression, democracy-loving leaders like Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, and Dwight Eisenhower revitalized it through initiatives like antitrust regulations, fair labor laws, the minimum wage, Social Security, and Medicare. So what happened? In the last twenty-five years, we've witnessed an undeclared war against the middle class. The so-called conservatives waging this war are only interested in conserving--and steadily increasing--their own wealth and power. Hartmann shows how, under the guise of "freeing" the market, they've systematically dismantled the programs set up by Republicans and Democrats to protect the middle class and have installed policies that favor the superrich and corporations. But it's not too late to return to the America our Founders envisioned. Hartmann outlines a series of commonsense proposals that will ensure that our public institutions are not turned into private fiefdoms and that people's basic needs--education, health care, a living wage--are met in a way that allows the middle class to expand, not shrink. America will be stronger with a growing, prospering middle class--rule by the rich will only make it weaker. Democracy requires a fair playing field, and it will survive only if We the People stand up, speak out, and reclaim our democratic birthright.


  • By the bestselling author and XM and Sirius Satellite radio host heard on more than eighty radio stations coast to coast seven days a week
  • Reveals how the middle class, nurtured as the backbone of democracy by our Founding Fathers, is being undermined by so-called conservatives
  • Shows how we can reverse the erosion of the middle class and restore the egalitarian vision of the Founders
  • Expanded edition with a new chapter on immigration and a new afterword by Greg Palast

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