Five Online Marketing Mistakes All New Authors (and Even Some Seasoned Ones) Make

Jeevan Sivasubramaniam Posted by Jeevan Sivasubramaniam, Managing Director, Editorial, Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc.

In Fauzia Burke's new book, she explains to authors how to effectively market and sell their books in today's insanely crowded, attention-deprived marketplace.

Fauzia knows what she's talking about--as the founder and head of FSB Associates, her job is to help authors effectively market their books. Just as much as she has seen people do the right things, she has also, unfortunately, seen a lot of people (with good intentions) do the wrong things.

Here are five of the biggest online marketing mistakes authors--both old and new--make:

Mistake #1: Investing a Lot of Money on Websites, Videos, and the Like.

Why It's a Mistake: Spending lots of money on a fancy website with all sorts of bells and whistles, or spending $10K on a video trailer are not always a good use of time nor money. You need a website for sure and, yes, you need a professional one because people will judge your writing and expertise by your website, but there is no reason to spend a lot right off the bat. Start with a professional and informational website and add features as you need them. Videos are increasingly important for book promotion, but videos don't go viral for most of us, so no need to bet the bank on it.

Mistake #2: Not Starting to Think About Marketing Until a Few Months Before the Publication Date.

Why It's a Mistake: Many authors start thinking about their marketing a few months before the publication date because they assume that is sufficient lead time. They should really start making a plan a year (or more) in advance of the release date. I use the following formula with my clients: Design + Engagement + Visibility = Success. Start with the design elements by launching a website, newsletter and social media profiles, created in a cohesive way to build your brand identity. Then, engage by blogging, sending newsletters, and building your following on social media (the more time in this phase, the better). Finally, plan your visibility (distribution, marketing and publicity)--all this takes time and a thoughtful strategy.

Mistake # 3: Not Knowing Exactly Who the Audience Is

Why It's a Mistake: Online marketing is customized and personalized. It is essential for you to know your particular audience so you can find them and serve them best. You should know your readers' age group, gender, interests, which social media outlets they use, and where they hang out online. The more you know your audience, the better your marketing will be. Remember there is no

Mistake # 4: Being Active on A Large Number of Social Media and Online Platforms

Why It's a Mistake: Choose one or two social media platforms to start. Don't feel like you have to do the next shiny thing online or keep up with all social media platforms. Just start conversing with your audience by selecting a platform where you think you will find your readers. adjust accordingly as you build your community.

Mistake # 5: Trying to Get Everyone's Attention 

Why It's a Mistake: You can't be a bullhorn that's clamoring for attention from everyone. You want people to talk on your page. Don't get wooed by big numbers. You want a smaller community that's engaged as opposed to a large audience that's not engaged. Look at ways to engage the audience you do have. Take good care of the people who have given you their permission to talk with them -- whether that's through a newsletter, blog, or on Facebook. Give them your best content.

Authors, remember consistency is one of the most important ingredients of your online marketing plan. Stay the course. Remember if you don't show up, your readers don't either.