BK Blog Post
Posted by
Steve Piersanti,
Founder & Senior Editor,
Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc.
Steven Piersanti is founder of and senior editor at Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., a leading independent publisher of progressive books on current affairs, personal growth, and business and management.
Dear BK community member,
Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. was founded in January 1992. We have had remarkable continuity in the purposes, values, and vision of our publishing company, as is apparent from this letter in our first catalog.
But a great deal has also changed and is continuing to change at Berrett-Koehler, as is apparent from these Berrett-Koehler News pages in our newest catalog, which is being distributed this month.
We will celebrate our 20th Anniversary during 2012. We want to involve as many members of the BK community as possible in celebrating with us in ways that help advance BK’s mission of “Creating a World That Works for All.” Therefore, we are beginning now to make plans for celebrations during 2012, and we are seeking to involve many members of the BK community in participating in these celebrations.
To help us do this, we ask you to respond to a quick 6-question survey. Please click on this link to respond to the survey:
We appreciate your support of Berrett-Koehler and hope that you will join with us celebrating our 20th Anniversary in 2012.
Best regards,
Steven Piersanti
President and Publisher