
Barry Oshry

Boston, Massachusetts, USA

BK Expert
Community Member Author

Contact Barry Oshry

Barry Oshry, a pioneer in systems thinking, is the creator of Power Lab, the When Cultures Meet Workshop, and the Organization Workshop on Creating Partnership, which he and his associates have conducted in hundreds of organizations in the U.S. and around the world. He and his wife and partner, Karen Ellis Oshry, are cofounders of Power + Systems, Inc. an educational institute dedicated to providing programs and publications that deepen people's understanding of social system phenomena. A former Chairman of the Department of Human Relations at Boston University, Oshry has presented keynote addresses and workshops for the Association of Quality and Participation, the American Management Association, the Organizational Development Network, and GOAL/QPC. He is the author of Leading Systems: Lessons from the Power Lab and Seeing Systems: Unlocking the Mysteries of Organizaitonal Life.

To visit Barry's website, please click HERE

Organization Workshop

from BK Fast Fundamentals

Seeing Systems

In a wonderfully readable and fun way, SEEING SYSTEMS (over 30,000 copies sold) presents a unique and innovative theory ...

Leading Systems

How can we apply systems thinking in the field of leadership?

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