Harrison Owen, the originator of Open Space Technology, is the president of H.H. Owen and Co. and the author of six previous books including Open Space Technology: A User's Guide, The Power of Spirit, and Expanding Our Now: The Story of Open Space Technology.

Since the mid-1960s, Owen has worked with a variety of organizations including small West African villages, urban (American and African) community organizations, the Peace Corps, regional medical programs, the national institutes of Health, and the Veterans Administration.

To learn more about Harrison and his work, please visit him online here

Wave Rider

In this capstone work of his career, the creator of open space technology applies his lifetime of knowledge and experienc...

The Power of Spirit

Forms and transforms in people, they become strong, focused, and vibrant-and wonderful things can happen. But when the sp...

Expanding Our Now

At the start of this thoughtful and revelatory book, Harrison Owen relates the story of how he was lunching with a senior...

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