Berrett-Koehler Best Books

Chosen parameters. Best Books in: BK Currents,

Showing 1-6 of 201

Overfished Ocean Strategy
By Nadya Zhexembayeva

Business is waking up to a global shortage of resources of every kind. Raw materials are running out, whether in Tokyo or...

The Best of the Thom Hartmann Program Volume I (Audio)
By Thom Hartmann

American democracy's historical roots and present imperiled health.

The American Revolution of 1800
By Dan Sisson, Thom Hartmann

Decades ahead of its time, Dan Sisson’s classic study of Jefferson’s theory of revolution and the pivotal election of 180...

How the Poor Can Save Capitalism
By John Bryant

Can empowering the lower class save America's economy?

With Liberty and Dividends for All
By Peter Barnes

How can dividends save Americans from a collapsing economy?


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