Berrett-Koehler Best Books

Chosen parameters. Best Books in: BK Currents,

Showing 85-90 of 201

Self-Governance in Communities and Families
By Gary Nelson

How can we engage people in the redesign & revitalization of social institutions?

All Together Now
By Jared Bernstein

As the new century unfolds, we face a host of economic and social challenges--jobs lost to "off shoring," a huge and grow...

Pharmacy on a Bicycle
By Eric Bing, Marc Epstein

Would you like to know an innovative approach to spreading better health care in needy countries?

Making the Good Life Last
By Michael Schuler

In a revolutionary, multi-disciplinary approach, Unitarian Universalist Pastor Michael Schuler shows how we only truly ex...

Growing Local Value
By Laury Hammel, Gun Denhart

Hanna Andersson founder Gun Denhart and BALLE co-founder Laury Hammel show how every aspect of a business (from product ...


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