Berrett-Koehler Best Books

Chosen parameters. Best Books in: BK Professional,

Showing 7-12 of 127

Managing Projects for Value

Apply today's best practices for managing information, processes and people to maximize success within the constraints of...

Project Risk Management
By Paul S. Royer

Gain the insight you need to clarify real requirements before you initiate project work

Project Measurement
By Steve Neuendorf

Need help determining the effectiveness of your management? Use this tool to understand the ins and outs of project measu...

Managing Project Quality
By Timothy J. Kloppenborg, Joseph A. Petrick

Make breakthroughs in project quality by combining project management with quality management!

Project Estimating and Cost Management

Improve the accuracy of project estimates and make better in-progress modifications by following the discipline-independe...

Project Leadership
By Timothy J. Kloppenborg, Arthur Shriberg, Jayashree Venkatraman

Why is Project Leadership Important? Can you have a successful project without it? Read this book to find out!


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