Search Results: "Social Venture Networks/books/marketing-that-matters.htm" Results 217-222 of 362
For some, projecting confidence and credibility is second nature. For others, it seems like a foreign language they'll never learn – until now. Rob Jolles delivers down-to-earth solutions for anyone looking to enhance the most basic need of all; to be believed. He leverages his over 30 years of experience to equip readers with empowering and practical tools for achieving business and social success.

Jolles argues that credibility is as much about attitude as it is about aptitude. So-called “soft skills” like pitch, pace, and tone of voice, are actually some of the most crucial factors in determining how people perceive us. As he puts it, “it's not the words, it's the tune” that really makes us memorable and credible.

This book is about finding the necessary magic to help others believe you. It requires an unshakable belief in yourself, so Jolles starts there. With that as a solid foundation, you can move on to the specific tactics and practices that will make you credible and convincing. But these can be tough to practice in the face of the inevitable setbacks we all face, so he also offers advice on maintaining courage and confidence when doubt naturally creeps in. And he concludes with a discussion of sustaining your newfound credibility for the long haul.

There isn't a soul on earth who hasn't questioned themselves at some point. And most of us are just one or two brutal rejections away from questioning all that we are. Why People Don't Believe You helps readers cultivate a robust mental framework and a set of what Jolles calls “performance skills” to tackle these doubts. You are good enough –and after reading this stirring book, you'll be ready to make the world believe that as well.

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Would you rather get a root canal than face a group of strangers? Does the phrase “working a room” make you want to retreat to yours? Devora Zack, an avowed introvert and successful consultant who gives presentations to thousands of people at dozens of events annually, feels your pain. She found that other networking books assume that to succeed, you have to act like an extrovert. Not at all. There is another way.

Zack politely examines and then smashes to tiny fragments the “dusty old rules” of standard networking advice. She shows how the very traits that make many people hate networking can be harnessed to forge an approach more effective and user-friendly than traditional techniques. This edition adds new material on applying networking principles in personal situations, handling interview questions, following up—what do you do with all those business cards?—and more.

Networking enables you to accomplish the goals that are most important to you. But you can't adopt a style that goes against who you are—and you don't have to. As Zack writes, “You do not succeed by denying your natural temperament; you succeed by working with your strengths.”

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In the age of purity politics and public shaming, people are fearful of betraying their values and selling out. Authors Lily Zheng and Inge Hansen make the bold claim that everyone sells out-and that the challenge lies in doing it ethically.
We all fear selling out. Yet we all face situations that test our ideals and values with no clear right answer. In a world where compromise is an essential aspect of life, authors Lily Zheng and Inge Hansen make the bold claim that everyone sells out-and that the real challenge lies in doing so ethically.

Zheng and Hansen share stories from a diversity of people who have found their own answers to this dilemma and offer new ways to think about marginalization, privilege, and self-interest. From these stories, they pull out teachable skills for taking the step from selling out to selling out ethically. The Ethical Sellout is for all those committed to maintaining their integrity in a messy world.

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“This book reminds us of what we have in common: the power to create a good life for ourselves and for others, no matter what the world has in store for us.” —Michael J. Fox

This book reveals that people with disabilities are the invisible force that has shaped history. They have been instrumental in the growth of freedom and birth of democracy. They have produced heavenly music and exquisite works of art. They have unveiled the scientific secrets of the universe. They are among our most popular comedians, poets, and storytellers. And at 1.2 billion, they are also the largest minority group in the world.

Al Etmanski offers ten lessons we can all learn from people with disabilities, illustrated with short, funny, inspiring, and thought-provoking stories of one hundred individuals from twenty countries. Some are familiar, like Michael J. Fox, Greta Thunberg, Stephen Hawking, Helen Keller, Stevie Wonder, and Temple Grandin. Others deserve to be, like Evelyn Glennie, a virtuoso percussionist who is deaf—her mission is to teach the world to listen to improve communication and social cohesion. Or Aaron Philip, who has revolutionized the runway as the first disabled, trans woman of color to become a professional model. The time has come to recognize people with disabilities for who they really are: authoritative sources on creativity, love, sexuality, resistance, dealing with adversity, and living a good life.

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An essential strategy book for how to have transformative, sustainable, responsible travel experiences—starting at your own front door. Recognized Peacemaker and National Geographic Explorer Aziz Abu Sarah shows how, by crossing boundaries, we can heal our world from stereotypes, prejudice, and ignorance.

Whether you're planning future travels or exploring the diverse cultures in your own community, Crossing Boundaries provides strategies for growth and getting out of your comfort zone. Moving between inspirational stories, humorous anecdotes, and helpful conflict resolution tips, Abu Sarah guides you through having personal, meaningful experiences with people from different backgrounds. He sketches a vision of a kind of travel with the power to help heal the divides of a world polarized by seemingly intractable conflicts. 

Abu Sarah argues that transformative travel can start at home. He knows this firsthand: a former Palestinian radical, he shares his own moving story of creating connections across his divided hometown of Jerusalem, and of co-founding a tour agency with a Jewish American. Today, they direct Dual Narrative Tours, co-led by guides from different communities in countries like Israel and Palestine, Ireland and Northern Ireland, North and South Vietnam, and many others.

Drawing on these experiences, Abu Sarah's book offers tips on how to meet people naturally and safely, design an inclusive itinerary, shop to support the local economy, deal with setbacks, and much more. A guide for going beyond museums and monuments, this book is for both the first-timer and seasoned veteran. Abu Sarah shows that if you put down your phone and strike up a conversation, you can break through the walls that separate people. You'll discover shared values, build lasting relationships, and realize that far more unites us than divides us.

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“Maya Hu-Chan shares a blueprint for becoming a more empathetic, self-aware, and inclusive leader. Saving Face guides us to consider different perspectives, to think first and speak last, and to respect others above all else.”
—Frances Hesselbein, former CEO, Girl Scouts of the USA, and Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient

Organizations now need to attract, retain, and motivate teams and employees across distance, time zones, and cultural differences. Building authentic and lasting human relations may be the most important calling for leaders in this century. According to management and global leadership specialist Maya Hu-Chan, the concept of “saving face” can help any leader preserve dignity and create more empathetic cross-cultural relationships.

“Face” represents one's self-esteem, self-worth, identity, reputation, status, pride, and dignity. Saving face is often understood as saving someone from embarrassment, but it's also about developing an understanding of the background and motivations of others to discover the unique facets we all possess. Without that understanding, we risk causing others to lose face without even knowing it. Hu-Chan explains saving face through anecdotes and practical tools, such as her BUILD leadership model (Benevolence, Understanding, Interacting, Learning, and Delivery). This book illustrates how we can give face to create positive first impressions, avoid causing others to lose face, and, most importantly, build trust and lasting relationships inside and outside the workplace.

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