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Success Skills for Introverts

Many organizations that place emphasis on teamwork tend to value people who promote themselves and think on their feet. Meanwhile, quiet types like programmers and other techies, who sit alone and become absorbed in their work, are often overlooked or misunderstood. But introverts can be highly effective influencers when they forego an extrovert’s in-your-face techniques and use their natural strengths to make a difference.

In this video workshop based on her book Quiet Influence: The Introvert's Guide to Making a Difference (Berrett-Koehler), Jennifer Kahnweiler identifies specific workplace challenges for introverts—including "people exhaustion"—and helps you investigate strengths and weaknesses in the context of a real-life work scenario. The bulk of this video shows how introverts can succeed at work by cultivating six key strengths:

  • Taking Quiet Time to unleash creativity and sustain energy
  • Preparation to prove the value of your proposal and involve others
  • Engaged Listening to gain increased understanding of situations
  • Focused Conversations to solve problems and work through conflict
  • Writing to advocate a position, and motivate others
  • Thoughtful Use of Social Media to grow relationships and move people to action

Several exercises will help you connect with these concepts. Introversion didn’t derail Tim Cook or Warren Buffett. It doesn’t have to impede your livelihood, either. This video was produced in partnership with Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Jennifer B. Kahnweiler, Ph.D., is a global speaker, bestselling author and thought leader who helps introverts lead with quiet confidence. Her bestselling books, The Introverted Leader, Quiet Influence, and The Genius of Opposites, have been translated into 14 languages.

Jennifer has worked with hundreds of organizations including GE, Hewlett-Packard, NASA, Boeing and the CDC She is a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), granted to only 8% of the National Speaker’s Association and she invites you to visit her website at

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This edition examines the role overconsumption played in the 2008 economic collapse, & how our economy and society have changed since.

  • New edition of a classic book-the first two editions sold over 150,000 copies
  • Still the most thorough diagnosis of the disease of overconsumption: symptoms, causes, consequences, and cures
  • Updated to incorporate the 2008 economic collapse, new measures of societal health, and new policy prescriptions

Welcome to the enhanced edition of Affluenza!  Each chapter of this updated third edition features scenes from the popular national PBS specials “Affluenza” and “Escape from Affluenza,” co-produced by Affluenza co-author John de Graaf and hosted by National Public Radio's Scott Simon.

This iconic book shows how problems ranging from loneliness, endless working hours, and family conflict to rising debt, environmental pollution, and rampant commercialism are all symptoms of this global plague. In the enhanced edition you'll see hilarious skits including the frightening original diagnosis of “affluenza” and the shocking “surrender of the Joneses.”  You'll meet experts and hear from ordinary people about how affluenza has affected their lives and what they are doing about it.  You'll see victims of shopping fever and swollen expectations as they roam through the “affluenza hot zones” of tourist-destination shopping malls, watch in horror as marketers plan the manipulation of children, take a quick trip through the history of this dreaded disease, and see its often invisible but terrible consequences made visible.  But it's not all gloom and doom—far from it.  You'll also drop in on a simplicity circle (“affluholics anonymous!”), wander through a magical marsh where you come out enriched “and your wallet is still as full as when you left home,” and share the life of an urban family who is beating the bug! The authors also trace the role overconsumption played in the Great Recession, discuss new ways to measure social health and success (such as the Gross Domestic Happiness index), and offer policy recommendations to make our society more simplicity-friendly.
Remember that nine out of ten doctors recommend this book as the cure for affluenza!  Happy reading and…happy viewing!
There are a total of 23 videos spanning 39:36 minute. File size: 379.7 MB

Based on two highly acclaimed PBS documentaries watched by 10 million viewers, Affluenza uses the whimsical metaphor of a disease to tackle a very serious subject: the damage done-to our health, our families, our communities, and our environment-by the obsessive quest for material gain. In cleverly titled chapters such as "Swollen Expectations" and "A Rash of Bankruptcies," the authors examine the origins, evolution, and symptoms of the affluenza epidemic. But they also explore cures and suggest strategies for rebuilding families and communities and for restoring and respecting the earth.

The 2008 economic collapse demonstrated how prophetic this book was. The third edition examines the role overconsumption played in the collapse and how our economy and society have changed since then. The authors also discuss new ways to measure social health and success, such as the Gross Domestic Happiness index, and offer policy recommendations to make our society more simplicity-friendly. The underlying message isn't to stop buying; it's to buy carefully and consciously, remembering, always, that the best things in life aren't things.

affluenza, n. a painful, contagious, virally transmitted condition of overload, debt, anxiety, and waste resulting from the dogged pursuit of more.

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The key to your career advancement is understanding how power works--who has it, where it hides, and how it's used. Please Sit Over There teaches Black women the career skills they need to navigate an uneven playing field and achieve long-lasting professional success.

Black women continuously navigate systems that were never intended for them while playing by a set of rules they never agreed to or were ever trained for.

In this book, Francine Parham shares her knowledge as a Black woman and a former global executive of two major corporations on how to move up in the workplace while maintaining a sense of sanity. The key skill--one that Black women are rarely taught--is understanding the power dynamics within your organization and learning how to “shift the power” to your advantage. Parham shows how to use your voice, strategically build the right relationships, and support others once you have achieved a powerful position--tools any woman can use to increase her power and ensure a successful, fulfilling career.

Parham says Black women are already empowered; there is no shortage of qualified professional Black women in the talent pipeline. But it does not feel empowering when organizations force Black women to work every day to overcome biases, discriminatory institutional practices, and unwritten rules of power at play that hinder their career development and professional advancement.

Please Sit Over There honors the painstaking work being undertaken to deconstruct broken institutions and demonstrates how Black women can achieve their goals while those institutions still exist-effectively opening doors for all women of color.

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In the latest fruit of a brilliant career, Michael Nagler argues that nonviolence—not just as a tactic but as a way of being—is the only way to unite deeply divided people and enable progressive movements and leaders of all stripes to fulfil their promise and potential.

So many of the problems that beset us—war, poverty, isolation, and the climate crisis—have their roots in an old story about the universe: we are purposeless matter in a random void, and scarcity, competition, and violence are inevitable. Citing the convergence of modern science and the essence of the world's wisdom traditions, Michael Nagler argues for a new story: the universe is conscious and purposeful, humans are spiritual beings, and cooperation and collaboration are our natural way of interacting. This “new story” has had other champions, but Nagler is the first to realize that a piece is missing. For the new story to take hold, we have to embrace nonviolence, not only as a social change tactic but as a way of life.

Nonviolence is the only power strong enough to “move the heart” toward this deep and revolutionary change in worldview. Nagler refers to this as the “third harmony,” which is the harmony within and among us to
resolve the crisis of the human image. Calling on us to realize the urgency of nonviolence for resolving our personal and collective problems, Nagler focuses on how to shift to our story on a personal, everyday level and then integrate it into the very foundations of our understanding of humanity and community, for our sake, for the sake of future generations, and the sake of nonviolence itself.

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A half century ago Peter Drucker put management on the map. Leadership has since pushed it off. Henry Mintzberg aims to restore management to its proper place: front and center. “We should be seeing managers as leaders.” Mintzberg writes, “and leadership as management practiced well.”

This landmark book draws on Mintzberg's observations of twenty-nine managers, in business, government, health care, and the social sector, working in settings ranging from a refugee camp to a symphony orchestra. What he saw—the pressures, the action, the nuances, the blending—compelled him to describe managing as a practice, not a science or a profession, learned primarily through experience and rooted in context.
But context cannot be seen in the usual way. Factors such as national culture and level in hierarchy, even personal style, turn out to have less influence than we have traditionally thought. Mintzberg looks at how to deal with some of the inescapable conundrums of managing, such as, How can you get in deep when there is so much pressure to get things done? How can you manage it when you can't reliably measure it?

This book is vintage Mintzberg: iconoclastic, irreverent, carefully researched, myth-breaking.
Managing may be the most revealing book yet written about what managers do, how they do it, and how they can do it better.

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Fusion Leadership describes a new way of leading based on "fusion," a coming together of whole individuals to accomplish mutual goals based on shared vision and values. Fusion leaders are those who engage not only the bodies and minds of their employees, but also their hearts and souls. Unlike the traditional, hierarchical "fission" management style used for centuries in business, fusion leadership supports personal growth and ingenuity, qualities that facilitate change.

Building on the New Science assumptions that organizations can act as living systems and evolve with changing conditions, Fusion Leadership shows, in practical terms, how individuals and organizations can grow together. Fusion, the authors reveal, unleashes subtle forces-mindfulness, vision, heart, courage, communication, and integrity-which can fundamentally transform organizations.

Mindfulness, they say, represents independent thinking, personal creativity, and an open mind. Vision encompasses the higher purpose toward which people work. Heart represents caring and compassion-positive feelings that underlie workplace relationships. Communication influences vision, values, and emotions; it also involves listening and discerning. Courage motivates people to take risks. Integrity involves honesty, trust, and service-going beyond self-interest to give something to the organization. Through stories, parables, and probing questions, the book helps readers begin to revive these qualities within themselves. It also shows the value and applications of social technologies based on conversation-including dialogue, future search, and whole-scale change-which leaders can use to create organizational fusion, unleashing new synergies among people and achieving far-reaching results.

  • Richard Daft is the author of two leading management textbooks, each of which has sold over 230,000 copies: Organization Theory and Design, 6th Edition and Management. 4th Edition
  • Offers a striking new metaphor for managing and leading organizations-based on the principle of fusion (a joining together) rather than fission (a splitting apart or separation)
  • Presents practical applications of fusion technologies-doable solutions to real problems-and inspires leadership and change
  • Provides a personal, practical bridge to New Science and Systems Theory ideas

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