Search Results: "servant leadership" Results 25-30 of 550

This book gives leaders encouragement, examples, and inspiration as they make their way from the "lower" branches of the tree to the "highest."

  • Introduces Being-centered leadership, which emphasizes the higher reality of business (such as its connection to humanity and nature) to create lasting business value
  • Offers a four-stage road map to guide leaders in their efforts to realize this new approach
  • Features moving examples of Being-centered leadership by twenty-one CEOs of globally recognized companies

Financial meltdowns and environmental disasters have made it obvious that business leaders have a responsibility for the environment and society with which their business is inextricably intertwined. But it's one thing to understand that idea-Ram Nidumolu knows that nothing is really going to change unless leaders feel it. Stories and metaphors have a power to transform that dry facts and numbers don't, so in this extraordinary book, Nidumolu turns to the ancient Indian philosophical texts, the Upanishads, to offer leaders a powerful message that transcends religion, culture, and tradition.

Two Birds in a Tree takes its title from a parable in the Upanishads. One bird, in the lower branches, hops from branch to branch, anxiously eating all the fruit it sees. The bird at the top of the tree sees the tree below and the world beyond and understands it is part of a larger whole. The higher bird is in touch with and symbolizes what the Upanishads call Being, the fundamental reality that underlies and unifies all phenomena-the very essence of existence.

Leaders whose sense of self is anchored in Being won't have to think about "corporate responsibility"-their actions will be driven by an instinctive sense of interconnection. Throughout this profound and enlightening book, Nidumolu uses stories not only from the Upanishads but also from his own life as well as the experiences of CEOs of global companies like PepsiCo, Southwest Airlines, Timberland, Costco, and many others to illustrate the principles of Being-centered leadership. And he provides what he calls a four-stage road map to help leaders cultivate a conscious connection to Being.

But this is a book meant to inspire, not prescribe. Nidumolu doesn't offer a specific, step-by-step set of instructions. Rather, he offers leaders advice, encouragement, examples, and inspiration as they make their way from the lower branches of the tree to the highest.

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How can smaller companies create effective Leadership Development programs?

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The new edition of the bestselling, acclaimed, and influential guide to applying the new science to organizations and management. In this new edition, Margaret Wheatley describes how the new science radically alters our understanding of the world and how it can teach us to live and work well together in these chaotic times.
We live in a time of chaos, rich in potential for new possibilities. A new world is being born. We need new ideas, new ways of seeing, and new relationships to help us now. New science—the new discoveries in biology, chaos theory, and quantum physics that are changing our understanding of how the world works—offers this guidance. It describes a world where chaos is natural, where order exists "for free." It displays the intricate webs of cooperation that connect us. It assures us that life seeks order, but uses messes to get there.
This book will teach you how to move with greater certainty and easier grace into the new forms of organizations and communities that are taking shape. You'll learn that:
• Relationships are what matters—even at the subatomic level
• Life is a vast web of interconnections where cooperation and participation are required
• Chaos and change are the only route to transformation
In this expanded edition, Wheatley provides examples of how non-linear networks and self-organizing systems are flourishing in the modern world. In the midst of turbulence, Wheatley shows, we create work and lives rich in meaning.

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The more traditional forms of leadership that are based on static hierarchies and professional distance between leaders and followers are growing increasingly outdated and ineffective. As organizations face more complex interdependent tasks, leadership must become more personal in order to insure open trusting communication that will make more collaborative problem solving and innovation possible. Without open and trusting communications throughout organizations, they will continue to face the productivity and quality problems that result from reward systems that emphasize individual competition and “climbing the corporate ladder”. Authors Edgar Schein and Peter Schein recognize this reality and call for a reimagined form of leadership that coincides with emerging trends of relationship building, complex group work, diverse workforces, and cultures in which everyone feels psychologically safe. Humble Leadership calls for “here and now” humility based on a deeper understanding of the constantly evolving complexities of interpersonal, group and intergroup relationships that require shifting our focus towards the process of group dynamics and collaboration. Humble Leadership at all levels and in all working groups will be the key to achieving the creativity, adaptiveness, and agility that organizations will need to survive and grow.

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Fusion Leadership describes a new way of leading based on "fusion," a coming together of whole individuals to accomplish mutual goals based on shared vision and values. Fusion leaders are those who engage not only the bodies and minds of their employees, but also their hearts and souls. Unlike the traditional, hierarchical "fission" management style used for centuries in business, fusion leadership supports personal growth and ingenuity, qualities that facilitate change.

Building on the New Science assumptions that organizations can act as living systems and evolve with changing conditions, Fusion Leadership shows, in practical terms, how individuals and organizations can grow together. Fusion, the authors reveal, unleashes subtle forces-mindfulness, vision, heart, courage, communication, and integrity-which can fundamentally transform organizations.

Mindfulness, they say, represents independent thinking, personal creativity, and an open mind. Vision encompasses the higher purpose toward which people work. Heart represents caring and compassion-positive feelings that underlie workplace relationships. Communication influences vision, values, and emotions; it also involves listening and discerning. Courage motivates people to take risks. Integrity involves honesty, trust, and service-going beyond self-interest to give something to the organization. Through stories, parables, and probing questions, the book helps readers begin to revive these qualities within themselves. It also shows the value and applications of social technologies based on conversation-including dialogue, future search, and whole-scale change-which leaders can use to create organizational fusion, unleashing new synergies among people and achieving far-reaching results.

  • Richard Daft is the author of two leading management textbooks, each of which has sold over 230,000 copies: Organization Theory and Design, 6th Edition and Management. 4th Edition
  • Offers a striking new metaphor for managing and leading organizations-based on the principle of fusion (a joining together) rather than fission (a splitting apart or separation)
  • Presents practical applications of fusion technologies-doable solutions to real problems-and inspires leadership and change
  • Provides a personal, practical bridge to New Science and Systems Theory ideas

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Provides a complete overview and practical strategies on a full range of leadership topics.

Featuring a who's who of leadership gurus, The ASTD Leadership Handbook is an exciting compilation of insights, ideas, and tools that will enable individuals, teams, and organizations to fully develop their leadership capabilities. It provides a complete overview of leadership and covers a full range of topics, including competencies, development, attributes, and current challenges, taking a broad view of what leadership means. Editor Elaine Biech and her team worked to carefully match up topics with the leading authorities: William Byham on leadership development, Ken Blanchard on ethics, Bill George on authenticity, John Kotter on leading change, Marshall Goldsmith on coaching, Dave Ulrich and Norm Smallwood on getting results, Patrick Lencioni on teams, Leongard Goodstein on strategic planning, Frances Hesselbein on leading the workforce of the future, and many more.

The ASTD Leadership Handbook's five sections -- Leadership Competencies, Leadership Development, Characteristics of Successful Leaders, Contemporary Leadership, and the Global Role of Leadership -- cover all the major leadership areas. Chapters are written from a practical perspective, enabling readers to immediately put the wisdom and experience of the authors to use in their own lives and organizations. The book also includes three dozen tools to help you apply the concepts, such as John Kotter's Eight-Step Change Model, Bill Gentry's Checklist for Avoiding Leader Derailment, Marshall Goldsmith's Mini Coaching Survey, Beverly Kaye and Sharon Jordan-Evan's Jerk Checklist, and Leonard Goodstein's Applied Strategic Planning Model. These tools are available as free downloads on the book's accompanying website.

This handbook sets itself apart in a crowded field by emphasizing leadership development and providing practical approaches to address this crucial need. When you pick up The ASTD Leadership Handbook you hold amost 2,000 years of experience in your hands. This will surely be the definitive leadership resource for many years to come.

Selected chapters from The ASTD Leadershipp Handbook are also available for sale in PDF format: Leadership Whitepapers.

  • Provides a complete overview and practical strategies on a full range of leadership topics

  • Contributors include more than forty-five renowned experts in the leadership field

  • Includes more than sixty activities, tools, and assessments for application of principles and concepts

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