Kevin Oakes (Author)
Kevin Oakes is the CEO of the Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp) and is also currently a board member of SumTotal Systems. He was the 2006 chairman of ASTD and is a frequent speaker and author on workplace learning issues.
Contributor to ASTD Handbook for Workplace Learning Professionals - Available as article-length Fast Fundamentals whitepaper (PDF download): Preaching to the Choir: The Future of Integrated Talent Management.
Holly Tompson (Author)
Holly Tompson, PhD, is a senior research analyst at i4cp. Previously, she taught human resource management at the University of Tampa to undergraduates and MBA students, and today she serves as an executive coach, working with the University of Tampa’s Focused Leadership Program. She has a BS in business and psychology from Trinity University in San Antonio and a PhD in organizational behavior and human resources management from the University of South Carolina. Her work has been published in the Journal of Manage- ment, Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, and Small Business Journal.
Lorrie Lykins (Author)
Lorrie Lykins is i4cp’s managing editor and has been involved in human capital research for 10 years. She has an MFA from Queens University and has authored numerous reports and white papers on subjects ranging from corporate volunteerism to health care and well- ness to disaster preparedness and women’s issues. She is an adjunct professor at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida, and is a longtime correspondent for the St. Petersburg Times. She is a member of the Society of Professional Journalists and the National Book Critics Circle. Her work has been published by Talent Management magazine, the Ameri- can Management Association, and HR World.