Refire! Don't Retire

Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life

Ken Blanchard (Author) | Morton Shaevitz (Author)

Publication date: 01/08/2015

Bestseller over 20,000+ copies sold

Refire! Don't Retire
Refire! Don't Retire asks readers the all-important question: as you look at the years ahead, what can you do to make them satisfying and meaningful?

Ken Blanchard and Morton Shaevitz point out that some people see their later years as a time to endure rather than as an exciting opportunity. Both research and common sense confirm that people who embrace these years with energy and gusto—rather than withdrawing and waiting for things to happen—consistently make the rest of their lives the best of their lives.

In the trademark Ken Blanchard style, the authors tell the compelling story of Larry and Janice Sparks, who discover how to see each day as an opportunity to enhance their relationships, stimulate their minds, revitalize their bodies, and grow spiritually. As they learn to be open to new experiences, Larry and Janice rekindle passion in every area of their lives.

Readers will find humor, practical information, and profound wisdom in Refire! Don't Retire. Best of all, they will be inspired to make all the years ahead truly worth living.


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Book Details
Refire! Don't Retire asks readers the all-important question: as you look at the years ahead, what can you do to make them satisfying and meaningful?

Ken Blanchard and Morton Shaevitz point out that some people see their later years as a time to endure rather than as an exciting opportunity. Both research and common sense confirm that people who embrace these years with energy and gusto—rather than withdrawing and waiting for things to happen—consistently make the rest of their lives the best of their lives.

In the trademark Ken Blanchard style, the authors tell the compelling story of Larry and Janice Sparks, who discover how to see each day as an opportunity to enhance their relationships, stimulate their minds, revitalize their bodies, and grow spiritually. As they learn to be open to new experiences, Larry and Janice rekindle passion in every area of their lives.

Readers will find humor, practical information, and profound wisdom in Refire! Don't Retire. Best of all, they will be inspired to make all the years ahead truly worth living.
About the Authors
Table of Contents

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