Search Results: "Social Venture Networks/books/marketing-that-matters.htm" Results 223-228 of 362
From the authors of Leadership and Self-Deception (over 2 million copies sold) comes a new edition of this bestseller that has been thoroughly revised to more effectively address the diversity, equity, and inclusion challenges that plague our communities and hinder our organizations.

What if conflicts at home, at work, and in the world stem from the same root cause? What if we systematically misunderstand that cause? And what if, as a result, we unwittingly perpetuate the very problems we think we are trying to solve?

The Anatomy of Peace uses a fictional story of an Arab and a Jew-both of whom lost their fathers at the hands of the other's cousins-to powerfully show readers the way to transform conflict. We learn how they come together, how they help parents and children come together, and how we too can find our way out of the personal, professional, and social conflicts that weigh us down.

The fourth edition includes revisions and new materials and resources that increase its relevance and usefulness at a time of deeply entrenched divisions throughout society. Additionally, it includes new detailed discussions of the pattern of dehumanization that lies at the heart of today's most pressing struggles with prejudice and discrimination-challenges that cannot be solved until the origins of bias and discrimination are properly understood and addressed. The new edition is a unique and vital resource for combatting racism and prejudice in their many manifestations.

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The definitive introduction for changemakers new to the world of nonprofit and small business boards of directors.The definitive introduction for changemakers new to the world of nonprofit and small business boards of directors.

Bust the status quo of board room administrative tedium and passive participation to contribute to meaningful social transformation and impact in your organization. Authors Jukanovich and West offer changemakers new to the boardroom the mindset and strategies necessary to make a difference in the organizations they lead.

Mission-based, socially responsible, and transformational organizations are needed more today than ever. And the boards that lead them must be in tune with their stakeholder's culture. But so often they are held back by ineffective decision making and a lack of interpersonal trust.

This book breaks down the key elements of a successful boardroom and how to achieve them. From onboarding diverse talent to establishing trust through accountability, you will have the tools and actionable techniques needed to effectively make a difference in the world with healthier boardroom practices.

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The first and only comprehensive resource designed to empower everyday people with insider knowledge on moving money for a more equitable economy.The first and only comprehensive resource designed to empower everyday people with insider knowledge on moving money for a more equitable economy.

The money myths end here.

We don't need to choose between creating meaningful wealth for ourselves and our families today, or supporting social movements creating a better tomorrow. We don't all need to become certified financial "experts" to be economically empowered and make a real difference in our communities. And we're far from powerless when it comes to changing the financial system, just because we don't happen to belong to the 1%. Quite the opposite.

Financial activism is how everyday people radically reimagine money as a tool for widespread well-being, instead of a weapon of absurdly increasing inequality. It's the antidote to traditional finance that evokes confusion, trauma, and (in the best-case scenario) straight-up boredom. It's how we-the underestimated-collectively resist systems that cause harm to people and the planet for the sake of profit, reclaim wealth that's been stolen, and redesign our relationships with capital and one another, in ways big and small.

Going beyond tried financial literacy, The Financial Activist Playbook offers eight accessible, actionable, "choose-your-own-adventure" strategies for readers to experiment with. Drawing on timely insider knowledge from the worlds of impact investing, social justice, and more, Rashid illuminates a treasure trove of stories: demonstrating how people power can flow big bucks out of extractive industries, and into the economy of care and abundance we deserve.

Playbook readers will be equipped to start visualizing and influencing the unique networks of wealth all around each of us, with strategies like
  • Shifting collective budgets and bank dollars;
  • Flexing our role as everyday philanthropists;
  • Leveraging the magic of community investment;
  • And so much more.
Laced with refreshing humor, empowering exercises, and a steadfast commitment to truth-telling, Rashid takes readers on an energizing ride of financial possibility and practicality that will reverberate for generations to come.

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It is a common belief that there is an entrepreneurial personality-that a certain type of person is capable of becoming a successful entrepreneur, while others are not. Research supports this view, and yet there are countless stories of people who have failed in one entrepreneurial venture only to succeed in another, and still others who have achieved initial success, yet failed when their company reached a certain size.

John B. Miner, an expert in the fields of entrepreneurship, human resource management, and personality psychology, has spent 20 years researching these and other curiosities about entrepreneurial success. In this groundbreaking book, he details his extensive research that shows that there is not a single entrepreneurial personality type, but rather, there are four distinct personality types that make for successful entrepreneurs.

Based on 20 years of research and a systematic seven-year study of 100 entrepreneurs, The 4 Routes to Entrepreneurial Success details the distinctive characteristics of each of the four types and explains why they succeed or fail. Using Miner's self-assessment questionnaire, you'll discover whether you possess the talents, skills, and characteristics it takes to start and run your own business. The results of the questionnaire will help you determine how you can be successful as an entrepreneur.

The different routes by which each of the four types achieves success are explored in detail, and numerous real-life examples of established entrepreneurs are included throughout. If you're a would-be entrepreneur, this accessible, easy-to-read, and practical book can help you achieve the success you dream of.

Miner explains that, to be successful, entrepreneurs must concentrate on their special talents and strengths, while finding ways to compensate for their weaknesses to accomplish the rest of the business process. For instance, while Supersalespeople are experts at bringing in new customers, they often lack the necessary management skills to run a successful business, and therefore need someone else to oversee the operations. Expert Idea Generators are good at creating new ideas, but need others to develop effective systems to get them to market. The characteristics of each type of entrepreneur are explored in detail, as well as the routes by which each achieves success, and numerous real-life illustrative case studies of established entrepreneurs are included throughout. Most importantly, Miner provides individuals with practical guidelines for mapping out their own routes to success.

The 4 Routes to Entrepreneurial Success can help you assess not only whether your personality is suited to the entrepreneurial lifestyle, but also what type of venture you should consider and what role you should play in your business to guarantee success. In addition to outlining each type's inherently appropriate career route, Miner insightfully addresses gender differences, the value of entrepreneurial development and formal degree programs, and entrepreneurial options for those who do not fit into any of the types described.

The 4 Routes to Entrepreneurial Success will help prospective entrepreneurs assess their own talents and determine what type of venture offers them the greatest chances for success. Established entrepreneurs will gain new perspective on current problems and learn to foresee and avoid potential pitfalls. Senior managers and human resource managers will find valuable tools for staffing corporate ventures, while bankers, venture capitalists, and other investors can better assess the risk and return related to their investment.

  • Groundbreaking research reveals the four personality types of successful entrepreneurs and shows how everyone can learn from their winning ways
  • An accessible, easy-to-read, and practical book that can help would-be entrepreneurs achieve the success they dream of
  • Offers numerous real-life examples of successful entrepreneurs
  • Includes a questionnaire to help readers determine what type of entrepreneur they are

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In an era of economic stress, rapid change, and social networking, customers are distracted, disgruntled, and harder to please than ever. Picky, Fickle, Vocal, Wired, and Vain – they have very little tolerance for error and are ready to spread the word quickly over the internet when things go wrong. If a company’s customer service doesn’t adapt to these new conditions, they will get burned by bloggers and viral videos that can severely damage their reputation. This book describes exactly what today’s customers expect and how to give it to them. In Wired and Dangerous, Bell and Patterson provide a tested formula for restoring balance to the customer relationship by establishing what they call “Service Calm”. The three steps to Service Calm sound simple, but they draw on sophisticated psychological principles and are profound in application: 1) Deal with Self, 2) Deal with Customer, 3) Deal with Context.In an era of economic stress, rapid change, and social networking, customers are distracted, disgruntled, and harder to please than ever. Picky, Fickle, Vocal, Wired, and Vain – they have very little tolerance for error and are ready to spread the word quickly over the internet when things go wrong. If a companyÆs customer service doesnÆt adapt to these new conditions, they will get burned by bloggers and viral videos that can severely damage their reputation. This book describes exactly what todayÆs customers expect and how to give it to them. In Wired and Dangerous, Bell and Patterson provide a tested formula for restoring balance to the customer relationship by establishing what they call \u201cService Calm\u201d. The three steps to Service Calm sound simple, but they draw on sophisticated psychological principles and are profound in application: 1) Deal with Self, 2) Deal with Customer, 3) Deal with Context.

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America's most popular progressive radio host and New York Times bestselling author Thom Hartmann reveals how the government and corporate America misuse our personal data and shows how we can reclaim our privacy.

Most Americans are worried about how companies like Facebook invade their privacy and harvest their data, but many people don't fully understand the details of how their information is being adapted and misused. In this thought-provoking and accessible book, Thom Hartmann reveals exactly how the government and corporations are tracking our every online move and using our data to buy elections, employ social control, and monetize our lives.

Hartmann uses extensive, vivid examples to highlight the consequences of Big Data on all aspects of our lives. He traces the history of surveillance and social control, looking back to how Big Brother invented whiteness to keep order and how surveillance began to be employed as a way to modify behavior. As he states, “The goal of those who violate privacy and use surveillance is almost always social control and behavior modification.”

Along with covering the history, Hartmann shows how we got to where we are today, how China-with its new Social Credit System-serves as a warning, and how we can and must avoid a similarly dystopian future. By delving into the Constitutional right to privacy, Hartmann reminds us of our civil right and shows how we can restore it.

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