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Robert Jacobs's Page

Leverage Change

Frustrated that change efforts you’re leading take too long, are too difficult, or are too often ineffective? Discover ei...

You Don't Have To Do It Alone

Everyone needs to involve other people in order to accomplish their tasks and achieve their goals. It doesn't matter if y...

  • robertjacobs

    Robert Jacobs is now a member of Berrett-Koehler Community

  • Ingredients for Making a Difference

    Robert Jacobs posted a blog post

    Ingredients for Making a Difference

    Federal, state, and local funding cuts make for tough times for arts organizations. Downturns in the economic cycle mean decreased contributions. Arts organizations become luxuries. They are forced to make do with increasingly smaller budgets and staff. This is the challenging environment where J...

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    April 2, 2014

  • Our Only Choice Is to Make It Work

    Robert Jacobs posted a blog post

    Our Only Choice Is to Make It Work

    Have you ever been so tired of trying to make a difference that you felt like giving up? The odds were too long. Others had already tried and come up short. That’s what Nata Preis and her staff tackle five days a week. Nata is the principal at Village Glen School for children with special ne...

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    March 28, 2014

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