From PMO to VMO

Managing for Value Delivery

Sanjiv Augustine (Author) | Roland Cuellar (Author) | Audrey Scheere (Author)

Publication date: 09/07/2021

From PMO to VMO
“By the end of this book, you will understand what is valuable, how to measure value, and how to optimize the flow of value-from idea to your customer."
-Evan Leybourn, co-founder and CEO, Business Agility Institute
“By the end of this book, you will understand what is valuable, how to measure value, and how to optimize the flow of value-from idea to your customer.”
-Evan Leybourn, co-founder and CEO, Business Agility Institute

Agile methods have brought about dramatic changes in how organizations manage and deliver not only IT services, but their entire product and service value streams. As legacy organizations transition to newer, end-to-end agile operating models, the Project Management Office (PMO) needs to redesign its mission and operation to be more in line with these modern ways of working.

That requires being more customer-focused and value-adding, and less hidebound, bureaucratic and tied to antiquated processes and mindsets. Visionary leaders are transitioning into enablers of this change, and maximizing value through the entire organization. Middle management, including program and project managers (PMs), are racing to maximize their professional relevancy in this new world.

This book defines the role of the agile value management office (VMO), using case studies and a clear road map to help PMs visualize and implement a new path where middle management and the VMO are valued leaders in the age of business agility.


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Book Details
“By the end of this book, you will understand what is valuable, how to measure value, and how to optimize the flow of value-from idea to your customer."
-Evan Leybourn, co-founder and CEO, Business Agility Institute
“By the end of this book, you will understand what is valuable, how to measure value, and how to optimize the flow of value-from idea to your customer.”
-Evan Leybourn, co-founder and CEO, Business Agility Institute

Agile methods have brought about dramatic changes in how organizations manage and deliver not only IT services, but their entire product and service value streams. As legacy organizations transition to newer, end-to-end agile operating models, the Project Management Office (PMO) needs to redesign its mission and operation to be more in line with these modern ways of working.

That requires being more customer-focused and value-adding, and less hidebound, bureaucratic and tied to antiquated processes and mindsets. Visionary leaders are transitioning into enablers of this change, and maximizing value through the entire organization. Middle management, including program and project managers (PMs), are racing to maximize their professional relevancy in this new world.

This book defines the role of the agile value management office (VMO), using case studies and a clear road map to help PMs visualize and implement a new path where middle management and the VMO are valued leaders in the age of business agility.
About the Authors
Table of Contents

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