The Five Commitments of a Leader (with CD)

Mark Leheney (Author)

Publication date: 07/01/2008

The Five Commitments of a Leader (with CD)
Effective Leaders Don't List Commitments ... They Live Commitments What really defines leadership? Our concepts of leadership are usually based on our unique personal experiences, and it is clear that a leadership style that works in one situation can be a recipe for disaster in another. In leadership, one size does not fit all. In The Five Commitments of a Leader, Mark Leheney asserts that a more revealing way to examine leadership is through the commitments a leader makes (or fails to make). He focuses on five commitments a leader must make to be effective commitments to: The self People The organization The truth Leadership


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Book Details
Effective Leaders Don't List Commitments ... They Live Commitments What really defines leadership? Our concepts of leadership are usually based on our unique personal experiences, and it is clear that a leadership style that works in one situation can be a recipe for disaster in another. In leadership, one size does not fit all. In The Five Commitments of a Leader, Mark Leheney asserts that a more revealing way to examine leadership is through the commitments a leader makes (or fails to make). He focuses on five commitments a leader must make to be effective commitments to: The self People The organization The truth Leadership
About the Author

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