The Shift

How Seeing People as People Changes Everything

Kimberly White (Author) | The Arbinger Institute (Foreword by)

Publication date: 06/05/2018

The Shift
A Simple yet Profound Shift

Seeing people as people is an idea so simple you'll swear you've heard it a million times but so profound you'll never stop learning from it. Kimberly White discovered it in a chain of nursing homes whose leaders, nurses, and housekeepers saw their patients, not as tasks to be ticked off a to-do list, but as valuable human beings.
White helps you to this transformative shift with warm encouragement, insightful guidance, and powerfully moving, true accounts of extraordinary human goodness.


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Book Details
A Simple yet Profound Shift

Seeing people as people is an idea so simple you'll swear you've heard it a million times but so profound you'll never stop learning from it. Kimberly White discovered it in a chain of nursing homes whose leaders, nurses, and housekeepers saw their patients, not as tasks to be ticked off a to-do list, but as valuable human beings.
White helps you to this transformative shift with warm encouragement, insightful guidance, and powerfully moving, true accounts of extraordinary human goodness.
About the Authors

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