Transforming Public and Nonprofit Organizations

Stewardship for Leading Change

James E. Kee (Author) | Kathryn E. Newcomer (Author)

Publication date: 06/01/2008

Transforming Public and Nonprofit Organizations
In the public and nonprofit arenas, leaders face the unique challenge of protecting the public interest while implementing organizational change initiatives. To succeed, these leaders must build organizations that are "change-centric," carefully weigh and prepare for the risks of change, and develop a change-oriented leadership style that authors Kee and Newcomer call transformational stewardship. A comprehensive approach to leading change, Transforming Public and Nonprofit Organizations: Stewardship for Leading Change provides public and nonprofit leaders and students of leadership, management, and organizational change with theoretical knowledge and practical tools for accomplishing change goals while protecting the broader public interest. This insightful and useful guide offers: An introduction to the change-oriented leadership concept, transformational stewardship An easy-to-follow model for initiating change in the public interest Case studies, practical tips, and resources for additional learning An organizational assessment instrument to gauge readiness for major change A 360-degree assessment instrument to identify individual leadership strengths and areas for improvement


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Book Details
In the public and nonprofit arenas, leaders face the unique challenge of protecting the public interest while implementing organizational change initiatives. To succeed, these leaders must build organizations that are "change-centric," carefully weigh and prepare for the risks of change, and develop a change-oriented leadership style that authors Kee and Newcomer call transformational stewardship. A comprehensive approach to leading change, Transforming Public and Nonprofit Organizations: Stewardship for Leading Change provides public and nonprofit leaders and students of leadership, management, and organizational change with theoretical knowledge and practical tools for accomplishing change goals while protecting the broader public interest. This insightful and useful guide offers: An introduction to the change-oriented leadership concept, transformational stewardship An easy-to-follow model for initiating change in the public interest Case studies, practical tips, and resources for additional learning An organizational assessment instrument to gauge readiness for major change A 360-degree assessment instrument to identify individual leadership strengths and areas for improvement
About the Authors

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