Brilliance by Design

Creating Learning Experiences That Connect, Inspire, and Engage

Vicki Halsey (Author)

Publication date: 01/10/2011

Brilliance by Design
Many subject matter experts are just that, subject matter experts--not experts in the art of teaching, facilitating, or designing. Thousands of authors, trainers, and speakers have great content, but they lack the skills required to convey their content in a way that inspires learners to unleash their brilliance and move the learning to practice.. They often spend 70% of their time on WHAT they are going to teach, and 30% of their time on HOW, when they should be spending 30% on WHAT, and 70% on HOW. Their instructional techniques often are at odds with their message of inclusivity, eagerness for people to learn, and hopes that their content will change lives and organizations. “Brilliance by Design” outlines how to design learning interactions (such as meetings and workshops) that enable people to do their best thinking. Using the tested, signature ENGAGE model, it helps anyone who brings people together for the purpose of learning, problem-solving, or innovating to develop a clear, high-impact training design that unleashes brilliance. It presents a model that enables teachers to analyze learner and teacher needs, create objectives that meet those needs, and incorporate interactive tools that “fire ‘em up,” ensuring all key outcomes are met. To help readers unleash the brilliance in others, this book provides the structure, tools, language, and models needed to create optimal learning experiences from their ideas, practices, models and books. In learning these techniques, readers will achieve powerful outcomes, building communities of learners who share best practices and communicate at a deep and profound level while doing real work.
  • Shows how to dramatically improve learning by making learners, not teachers, the focus of instructional design and delivery

  • Offers a model that can be adapted to any setting

  • Filled with tips, practices and tools -- including a free online assessment of personal learning style


"Learning," Vicki Halsey writes, "is the gateway to optimal life experiences. Learning transforms people's lives and teaching, in any form, is the art and science of bringing out the brilliance that drives those transformations."

Or it should be. But what often happens is that people who teach -- in classrooms, meetings, workshops, coaching sessions, any setting where learning happens -- don't know how to transfer their great content to others effectively. They spend 70% of their time on what they are teaching and only 30% on how, when it should be the other way around.

Halsey is here to reverse that equation, laying out a comprehensive instructional design model that deeply engages and energizes learners because it keeps them front and center every step of the way. She offers a bevy of tips and techniques for developing a learner-centered mindset -- focusing not on how smart learners are, but how they are smart. Building on this foundation she shows how to create content that is clear, relevant, easily absorbed, and readily retained because it is tailored to each audience's specific needs, abilities, and inclinations.

But content, however expertly designed, doesn't teach itself. Halsey's six-step ENGAGE model makes the old "sit and git" learning model obsolete and radically democratizes the teaching process. She presents hundreds of proven ideas, strategies, and practices that will enable you to Energize learners at the beginning of any learning session; help them Navigate the new content and Generate personal meaning and relevance from it; Apply their learning to the real world; Gauge and celebrate their progress; and Extend their learning to action. Brilliance by Design offers a systematic way to reach joyfully into the soul of learners and facilitate their brilliance so they can make their contributions and realize their potential.


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Book Details
Many subject matter experts are just that, subject matter experts--not experts in the art of teaching, facilitating, or designing. Thousands of authors, trainers, and speakers have great content, but they lack the skills required to convey their content in a way that inspires learners to unleash their brilliance and move the learning to practice.. They often spend 70% of their time on WHAT they are going to teach, and 30% of their time on HOW, when they should be spending 30% on WHAT, and 70% on HOW. Their instructional techniques often are at odds with their message of inclusivity, eagerness for people to learn, and hopes that their content will change lives and organizations. “Brilliance by Design” outlines how to design learning interactions (such as meetings and workshops) that enable people to do their best thinking. Using the tested, signature ENGAGE model, it helps anyone who brings people together for the purpose of learning, problem-solving, or innovating to develop a clear, high-impact training design that unleashes brilliance. It presents a model that enables teachers to analyze learner and teacher needs, create objectives that meet those needs, and incorporate interactive tools that “fire ‘em up,” ensuring all key outcomes are met. To help readers unleash the brilliance in others, this book provides the structure, tools, language, and models needed to create optimal learning experiences from their ideas, practices, models and books. In learning these techniques, readers will achieve powerful outcomes, building communities of learners who share best practices and communicate at a deep and profound level while doing real work.
  • Shows how to dramatically improve learning by making learners, not teachers, the focus of instructional design and delivery

  • Offers a model that can be adapted to any setting

  • Filled with tips, practices and tools -- including a free online assessment of personal learning style


"Learning," Vicki Halsey writes, "is the gateway to optimal life experiences. Learning transforms people's lives and teaching, in any form, is the art and science of bringing out the brilliance that drives those transformations."

Or it should be. But what often happens is that people who teach -- in classrooms, meetings, workshops, coaching sessions, any setting where learning happens -- don't know how to transfer their great content to others effectively. They spend 70% of their time on what they are teaching and only 30% on how, when it should be the other way around.

Halsey is here to reverse that equation, laying out a comprehensive instructional design model that deeply engages and energizes learners because it keeps them front and center every step of the way. She offers a bevy of tips and techniques for developing a learner-centered mindset -- focusing not on how smart learners are, but how they are smart. Building on this foundation she shows how to create content that is clear, relevant, easily absorbed, and readily retained because it is tailored to each audience's specific needs, abilities, and inclinations.

But content, however expertly designed, doesn't teach itself. Halsey's six-step ENGAGE model makes the old "sit and git" learning model obsolete and radically democratizes the teaching process. She presents hundreds of proven ideas, strategies, and practices that will enable you to Energize learners at the beginning of any learning session; help them Navigate the new content and Generate personal meaning and relevance from it; Apply their learning to the real world; Gauge and celebrate their progress; and Extend their learning to action. Brilliance by Design offers a systematic way to reach joyfully into the soul of learners and facilitate their brilliance so they can make their contributions and realize their potential.

About the Author

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