Consensus Through Conversation

How to Achieve High-Commitment Decisions

Larry Dressler (Author)

Publication date: 11/01/2006

Consensus Through Conversation
Whether you facilitate meetings for a living or simply as part of your job, you've surely found yourself “standing in the fire”—at the center of a group that is polarized, angry, fearful, and confused. Veteran facilitator Larry Dressler has found that what makes the crucial difference in these situations is the leader's presence. You have to master a way of being that allows you to remain effective no matter how hot things get.
Dressler shows how to cultivate six “stances”—mental, emotional, and physical— that will keep you steady, impartial, purposeful, compassionate, and good-humored,. Drawing on his own experiences and the insights of thirty-five distinguished practitioners, he helps you keep your cool and make the kind of inventive, split-second decisions these pressure-cooker situations demand.

• A concise, comprehensive guide to consensus and a powerful technique for building shared commitment around critical decisions
• Filled with practical tips, tools, and examples


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Book Details
Whether you facilitate meetings for a living or simply as part of your job, you've surely found yourself “standing in the fire”—at the center of a group that is polarized, angry, fearful, and confused. Veteran facilitator Larry Dressler has found that what makes the crucial difference in these situations is the leader's presence. You have to master a way of being that allows you to remain effective no matter how hot things get.
Dressler shows how to cultivate six “stances”—mental, emotional, and physical— that will keep you steady, impartial, purposeful, compassionate, and good-humored,. Drawing on his own experiences and the insights of thirty-five distinguished practitioners, he helps you keep your cool and make the kind of inventive, split-second decisions these pressure-cooker situations demand.

• A concise, comprehensive guide to consensus and a powerful technique for building shared commitment around critical decisions
• Filled with practical tips, tools, and examples

About the Author
Table of Contents

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