Covert Processes At Work

Managing the Five Hidden Dimensions of Organizational Change

Robert Marshak (Author)

Publication date: 08/01/2006

Covert Processes At Work
The first and only guidebook that specifically outlines methodologies for diagnosing and dealing with all of the “hidden” or covert factors that can subtly sabotage even the most meticulously planned change processes. Organizational change initiatives often fail because they focus exclusively on the rational, overt aspects of change, overlooking the powerful role played by concealed or irrational factors. It's well known that these covert processes--such as hidden agendas, blind spots, office politics, tacit assumptions, secret hopes, wishes and fears--frequently sabotage change efforts, but up until now nobody has offered a rigorous, consistent way of identifying and dealing with them. Drawing on over thirty years of experience as an organizational change consultant to global corporations and government agencies, Robert J. Marshak shows precisely how to bring these hidden processes to light and deal with their negative impact. Marshak identifies five different dimensions of covert processes, presents an integrated model to explain the ultimate source of all of them, and shows how to diagnose whether any covert processes might be at work in your organization. He then offers specific tools and techniques for engaging and managing these "under-the-table" processes and for creating the kind of organizational environment in which such hidden dynamics are unable to flourish. Covert Processes at Work is a comprehensive and practical guide that managers, leaders, and consultants can use to deal with the hidden dynamics that are often at the root of many organizational problems.
  • The first book to offer an integrated approach for recognizing and dealing with the hidden processes that sabotage organizational change efforts
  • Identifies five different dimensions of these covert processes
  • Offers a comprehensive approach that can be used to address any type of covert process


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Book Details
The first and only guidebook that specifically outlines methodologies for diagnosing and dealing with all of the “hidden” or covert factors that can subtly sabotage even the most meticulously planned change processes.Organizational change initiatives often fail because they focus exclusively on the rational, overt aspects of change, overlooking the powerful role played by concealed or irrational factors. It's well known that these covert processes--such as hidden agendas, blind spots, office politics, tacit assumptions, secret hopes, wishes and fears--frequently sabotage change efforts, but up until now nobody has offered a rigorous, consistent way of identifying and dealing with them. Drawing on over thirty years of experience as an organizational change consultant to global corporations and government agencies, Robert J. Marshak shows precisely how to bring these hidden processes to light and deal with their negative impact. Marshak identifies five different dimensions of covert processes, presents an integrated model to explain the ultimate source of all of them, and shows how to diagnose whether any covert processes might be at work in your organization. He then offers specific tools and techniques for engaging and managing these "under-the-table" processes and for creating the kind of organizational environment in which such hidden dynamics are unable to flourish. Covert Processes at Work is a comprehensive and practical guide that managers, leaders, and consultants can use to deal with the hidden dynamics that are often at the root of many organizational problems.
  • The first book to offer an integrated approach for recognizing and dealing with the hidden processes that sabotage organizational change efforts
  • Identifies five different dimensions of these covert processes
  • Offers a comprehensive approach that can be used to address any type of covert process
About the Author

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