Creative Community Organizing

A Strategy Manual for Rabble-Rousers, Activists, and Quiet Lovers of Justice

Si Kahn (Author) | Angela Davis (Foreword by) | Jim Hightower (Foreword by)

Publication date: 02/15/2010

Creative Community Organizing
Privatization has been on the right-wing agenda for years. Health care, schools, Social Security, public lands, the military, prisons-all are considered fair game. Through stories, analysis, impassioned argument-even song lyrics-Si Kahn and Elizabeth Minnich show that corporations are, by their very nature, unable to fulfill effectively what have traditionally been the responsibilities of government. They make a powerful case that the market is not the measure of all things, and that a vital public sector is an indispensable component of a healthy democracy.

Si Kahn's impromptu song at BK Author Day Lunch Meeting


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Book Details
Privatization has been on the right-wing agenda for years. Health care, schools, Social Security, public lands, the military, prisons-all are considered fair game. Through stories, analysis, impassioned argument-even song lyrics-Si Kahn and Elizabeth Minnich show that corporations are, by their very nature, unable to fulfill effectively what have traditionally been the responsibilities of government. They make a powerful case that the market is not the measure of all things, and that a vital public sector is an indispensable component of a healthy democracy.

Si Kahn's impromptu song at BK Author Day Lunch Meeting

About the Authors
Table of Contents

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