Full Voice

The Art and Practice of Vocal Presence

Barbara McAfee (Author)

Publication date: 10/03/2011

Full Voice

Identifies five distinct vocal colors within the human voice and demonstrates how to put them to work in your life.

"Your voice matters. Based on your tone and expression alone listeners make up their minds about you before they even process the meaning of your words. And if what you say is at odds with how you say it, they can miss your message altogether. Barbara McAfee offers a fun, tested method to harness the power of your voice to become a more effective and flexible communicator. She identifies five distinct vocal sounds—earth, fire, water, metal, and air—explaining how to cultivate each one. You’ll learn how to use your voice to support the meaning and message you want to convey. Using this book along with her free online practice videos you’ll experience an authentic shift in how you express yourself – and how you listen to others as well. You’ll discover how opening your full voice connects you to sources of untapped potential, power, and aliveness. "


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Book Details

Identifies five distinct vocal colors within the human voice and demonstrates how to put them to work in your life.

"Your voice matters. Based on your tone and expression alone listeners make up their minds about you before they even process the meaning of your words. And if what you say is at odds with how you say it, they can miss your message altogether. Barbara McAfee offers a fun, tested method to harness the power of your voice to become a more effective and flexible communicator. She identifies five distinct vocal sounds—earth, fire, water, metal, and air—explaining how to cultivate each one. You’ll learn how to use your voice to support the meaning and message you want to convey. Using this book along with her free online practice videos you’ll experience an authentic shift in how you express yourself – and how you listen to others as well. You’ll discover how opening your full voice connects you to sources of untapped potential, power, and aliveness. "

About the Author

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