Getting To Scale

Growing Your Business Without Selling Out

Jill Bamburg (Author)

Publication date: 08/21/2006

Getting To Scale
Jill Bamburg presents the first book to deal with a central issue for almost all small businesses: how to preserve one's values while simultaneously maintaining growth and competitiveness in the marketplace. Ben & Jerry's. Stonyfield Farm. The Body Shop. Tom's of Maine. All leaders in the socially responsible business movement--and all eventually sold to mega-corporations. Do values-driven businesses have to choose between staying small, selling off, or selling out? Jill Bamburg says no. Based on intensive interviews with more than thirty growth-oriented, mission-driven entrepreneurs--including American Apparel, Give Something Back, Wild Planet Toys, Organic Valley Family of Farms, and Village Real Estate--her book explodes the myths of scale from both ends of the spectrum. She debunks both the limiting "small is beautiful" approach as well as the "you have to sell out to grow" mandate.
  • Provides a blueprint for entrepreneurs who want to grow their socially responsible business while remaining true to their principles
  • Based on interviews with top executives at over thirty leading companies, including American Apparel, Give Something Back, Wild Planet Toys, Organic Valley Family of Farms, and Working Assets
  • Offers nine key lessons that can be applied by businesses in any industry


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Book Details
Jill Bamburg presents the first book to deal with a central issue for almost all small businesses: how to preserve one's values while simultaneously maintaining growth and competitiveness in the marketplace.Ben & Jerry's. Stonyfield Farm. The Body Shop. Tom's of Maine. All leaders in the socially responsible business movement--and all eventually sold to mega-corporations. Do values-driven businesses have to choose between staying small, selling off, or selling out? Jill Bamburg says no. Based on intensive interviews with more than thirty growth-oriented, mission-driven entrepreneurs--including American Apparel, Give Something Back, Wild Planet Toys, Organic Valley Family of Farms, and Village Real Estate--her book explodes the myths of scale from both ends of the spectrum. She debunks both the limiting "small is beautiful" approach as well as the "you have to sell out to grow" mandate.
  • Provides a blueprint for entrepreneurs who want to grow their socially responsible business while remaining true to their principles
  • Based on interviews with top executives at over thirty leading companies, including American Apparel, Give Something Back, Wild Planet Toys, Organic Valley Family of Farms, and Working Assets
  • Offers nine key lessons that can be applied by businesses in any industry
About the Author

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