How To Get Ideas 2nd Edition

Jack Foster (Author) | Larry Corby (Author)

Publication date: 06/01/2007

Bestseller over 185,000+ copies sold

How To Get Ideas
This new expanded second edition is an international bestseller with over 200,000 copies sold and translated into 15 languages that shows you—no matter your age or skill, your job or training—how to come up with more ideas, faster and easier.
Jack Foster's simple five-step technique for solving problems and getting ideas takes the mystery and anxiety out of the idea-generating process. It's a proven process that works. You'll learn to condition your mind to become "idea-prone," utilize your sense of humor, develop your curiosity, visualize your goals, rethink your thinking, and overcome your fear of rejection.
This expanded edition of the inspiring and enlightening classic features new information on how to turn failures to your advantage and how to create a rich, idea-inducing environment. Dozens of new examples and real life stories show that anyone can learn to get more and better ideas.
  • A revised and expanded edition of a bestselling classic--more than 90,000 copies sold of the first edition
  • This new edition includes to completely new chapters
  • Cleverly weaves together exercises, stories, quotations, and illustrations to offer a fun and practical guide to idea generation


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Book Details
This new expanded second edition is an international bestseller with over 200,000 copies sold and translated into 15 languages that shows you—no matter your age or skill, your job or training—how to come up with more ideas, faster and easier.
Jack Foster's simple five-step technique for solving problems and getting ideas takes the mystery and anxiety out of the idea-generating process. It's a proven process that works. You'll learn to condition your mind to become "idea-prone," utilize your sense of humor, develop your curiosity, visualize your goals, rethink your thinking, and overcome your fear of rejection.
This expanded edition of the inspiring and enlightening classic features new information on how to turn failures to your advantage and how to create a rich, idea-inducing environment. Dozens of new examples and real life stories show that anyone can learn to get more and better ideas.
  • A revised and expanded edition of a bestselling classic--more than 90,000 copies sold of the first edition
  • This new edition includes to completely new chapters
  • Cleverly weaves together exercises, stories, quotations, and illustrations to offer a fun and practical guide to idea generation
About the Authors
Table of Contents

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