Ideas Are Free

How the Idea Revolution Is Liberating People and Transforming Organizations

Alan Robinson (Author) | Dean Schroeder (Author)

Publication date: 01/09/2006

Bestseller over 55,000+ copies sold

Ideas Are Free
A worker in one of Europe's largest wireless communication companies stumbled across an error in his company's billing software, fixed it, and saved the company some $26 million per year. A secretary at Grapevine Canyon Ranch proposed a simple change to the company's website that brought the site to the top of search engine listings. A guard at the Massachusetts Department of Correction saved the prison system $56,000 a year by suggesting the use of digital cameras instead of film to process new inmates.

From simple ideas for saving time, effort, and money, to entirely new ways of doing business, front-line employees see a great many opportunities in their day-to-day work that their managers don't. Drawing on extensive research and experience in more than 300 organizations around the world—and including numerous illustrative examples—Alan Robinson and Dean Schroeder show precisely how to take advantage of the virtually free, perpetually renewable resource of employee ideas.
Ideas Are Free shows managers how to tap all the ideas their employees have and gain significant advantage over their competitors.
  • Outlines how to set up a truly effective system for soliciting, evaluating and implementing employee ideas for improvement --- a proven, low-cost source of potentially millions of dollars worth of added savings and revenue, and improved procedures and processes
  • Shows why existing systems, such as the hopelessly antiquated "suggestion box", fall far short of the mark
  • By the bestselling author of Corporate Creativity --- more than 40,000 copies sold


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Book Details
A worker in one of Europe's largest wireless communication companies stumbled across an error in his company's billing software, fixed it, and saved the company some $26 million per year. A secretary at Grapevine Canyon Ranch proposed a simple change to the company's website that brought the site to the top of search engine listings. A guard at the Massachusetts Department of Correction saved the prison system $56,000 a year by suggesting the use of digital cameras instead of film to process new inmates.

From simple ideas for saving time, effort, and money, to entirely new ways of doing business, front-line employees see a great many opportunities in their day-to-day work that their managers don't. Drawing on extensive research and experience in more than 300 organizations around the world—and including numerous illustrative examples—Alan Robinson and Dean Schroeder show precisely how to take advantage of the virtually free, perpetually renewable resource of employee ideas.
Ideas Are Free shows managers how to tap all the ideas their employees have and gain significant advantage over their competitors.
  • Outlines how to set up a truly effective system for soliciting, evaluating and implementing employee ideas for improvement --- a proven, low-cost source of potentially millions of dollars worth of added savings and revenue, and improved procedures and processes
  • Shows why existing systems, such as the hopelessly antiquated "suggestion box", fall far short of the mark
  • By the bestselling author of Corporate Creativity --- more than 40,000 copies sold
About the Authors

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