Opening Doors To Teamwork and Collaboration

4 Keys That Change Everything

Judith Katz (Author) | Frederick Miller (Author) | Willie Deese (Foreword by)

Publication date: 03/11/2013

Opening Doors To Teamwork and Collaboration
Top diversity experts Katz and Miller offer a short, engaging guide to four simple behaviors that fundamentally change the quality and nature of people's workplace interactions, thereby opening doors to more productive interpersonal relationships, greater job satisfaction, and increased organizational success.

Your people might be your organization’s greatest assets, but their interactions with one another are what determine the quality and the quantity of their contributions. Too many neglect this basic truth and fail to create the sense of excitement, energy, and shared mission that occurs when people truly join together.

In this concise, engaging book, Judith Katz and Fred Miller describe four deceptively simple behavioral guidelines that fundamentally change the way people work together:
  • Lean into Discomfort: Encourage yourself and others to move beyond comfort zones, speak up, do new things, and grow.
  • Listen as an Ally: Work to understand and build on others’ ideas instead of sitting in judgment of them.
  • State Your Intent and Intensity: Why make them guess? Let people know how committed you are to your ideas.
  • Share Your Street Corners: Actively seek out others’ perspectives to see all sides of the story.

Katz and Miller show exactly how to put each of these behaviors into practice and offer examples demonstrating the extraordinary impact these concepts have had in building greater trust, understanding, and collaboration. This book is for any individual or team from the shop floor to the executive suite in search of higher performance, greater collaboration, and game-changing leaps forward in speed and quality of decision making, problem solving, and the ability to create breakthroughs.­


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Book Details
Top diversity experts Katz and Miller offer a short, engaging guide to four simple behaviors that fundamentally change the quality and nature of people's workplace interactions, thereby opening doors to more productive interpersonal relationships, greater job satisfaction, and increased organizational success.

Your people might be your organization’s greatest assets, but their interactions with one another are what determine the quality and the quantity of their contributions. Too many neglect this basic truth and fail to create the sense of excitement, energy, and shared mission that occurs when people truly join together.

In this concise, engaging book, Judith Katz and Fred Miller describe four deceptively simple behavioral guidelines that fundamentally change the way people work together:
  • Lean into Discomfort: Encourage yourself and others to move beyond comfort zones, speak up, do new things, and grow.
  • Listen as an Ally: Work to understand and build on others’ ideas instead of sitting in judgment of them.
  • State Your Intent and Intensity: Why make them guess? Let people know how committed you are to your ideas.
  • Share Your Street Corners: Actively seek out others’ perspectives to see all sides of the story.

Katz and Miller show exactly how to put each of these behaviors into practice and offer examples demonstrating the extraordinary impact these concepts have had in building greater trust, understanding, and collaboration. This book is for any individual or team from the shop floor to the executive suite in search of higher performance, greater collaboration, and game-changing leaps forward in speed and quality of decision making, problem solving, and the ability to create breakthroughs.­

About the Authors
Table of Contents

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