Our Day to End Poverty

24 Ways You Can Make a Difference

Shannon Daley-Harris (Author) | Jeffrey Keenan (Author) | Karen Speerstra (Author)

Publication date: 06/18/2007

Our Day to End Poverty
Imagine ending poverty at home and around the globe in our own lifetimes. With creativity and imagination this book invites us to look at our very ordinary days, from waking up in the morning to going to bed in the evening, and to begin to think about combating poverty in new, inventive ways. Our Day to End Poverty invites us to look at the twenty-four hours in our very ordinary days and to begin to think about poverty in new and creative ways. The authors offer scores of simple actions anyone can take to help eradicate poverty. Each chapter takes a task we undertake during a typical day and relates it to what we can do to ease the world's suffering. We begin by eating breakfast, so the first chapter focuses on alleviating world hunger. We take the kids to school--what can we do to help make education affordable to all? In the afternoon we check our email--how can we ensure the access to technology that is such an important route out of poverty? The chapters are short and pithy, full of specific facts, resources for learning more, and menus of simple, often fun, and always practical action steps. Anne Frank wrote, "How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." Let's get started. It is our day to end poverty.
  • Offers practical, easy steps anyone can take to help end extreme poverty
  • Cleverly organized around the tasks we undertake in a typical day
  • Helps you connect your daily experiences to those of people around the world


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Book Details
Imagine ending poverty at home and around the globe in our own lifetimes. With creativity and imagination this book invites us to look at our very ordinary days, from waking up in the morning to going to bed in the evening, and to begin to think about combating poverty in new, inventive ways.Our Day to End Poverty invites us to look at the twenty-four hours in our very ordinary days and to begin to think about poverty in new and creative ways. The authors offer scores of simple actions anyone can take to help eradicate poverty. Each chapter takes a task we undertake during a typical day and relates it to what we can do to ease the world's suffering. We begin by eating breakfast, so the first chapter focuses on alleviating world hunger. We take the kids to school--what can we do to help make education affordable to all? In the afternoon we check our email--how can we ensure the access to technology that is such an important route out of poverty? The chapters are short and pithy, full of specific facts, resources for learning more, and menus of simple, often fun, and always practical action steps. Anne Frank wrote, "How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world." Let's get started. It is our day to end poverty.
  • Offers practical, easy steps anyone can take to help end extreme poverty
  • Cleverly organized around the tasks we undertake in a typical day
  • Helps you connect your daily experiences to those of people around the world
About the Authors

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