Positive Leadership 2nd Edition

Strategies for Extraordinary Performance

Kim Cameron (Author)

Publication date: 08/06/2012

Bestseller over 40,000+ copies sold

Positive Leadership

Beyond Success

Positive Leadership shows how to reach beyond ordinary success to achieve extraordinary effectiveness, spectacular results, and what Kim Cameron calls “positively deviant performance”—performance far above the norm. Citing a wide range of research in organizational behavior, medical science, and psychology as well as real-world examples, Cameron shows that to achieve exceptional success, leaders must emphasize strengths rather than simply focus on weaknesses; foster virtuous actions such as compassion, gratitude, and forgiveness; encourage contribution goals in addition to achievement goals; and enable meaningfulness in work. In this concise, inspiring, and practical guide, Cameron describes four positive leadership strategies, lays out a proven process for implementing them, and includes a self-assessment instrument. This second edition has been updated throughout with new research findings and new ideas for implementing positive leadership.
  • By the coauthor of Developing Management Skills (over 250,000 copies sold)

  • Draws on cutting-edge researchnot anecdotal personal storiesto show how to achieve success that far exceeds expectations

  • Updated throughout with new research findings and new ideas for implementing positive leadership

Leadership should be about much more than hitting targets and avoiding mistakes. Kim Cameron shows how to reach beyond ordinary success to achieve extraordinary effectiveness, spectacular results, and what he calls "positively deviant performance"performance far above the norm. Positive leadership enables thriving and flourishing rather than simply addressing obstacles and impediments. It helps bring out the best in human nature.

Cameron is one of the founders of the new field of Positive Organizational Scholarship, which studies unusually high-performing organizations. In Positive Leadership he draws on discoveries in this field and in the allied field of positive psychologywhich focuses on high-functioning individualsas well as positive organizational change methodologies. He identifies four interrelated
leadership strategies:

  • Positive Climate: fostering emotions such as optimism, compassion, and gratitude
  • Positive Relationships: building positive energy networks and developing strength-based activities
  • Positive Communications: fostering best-self feedback and supportive communication patterns
  • Positive Meaning: helping people find profound purpose and a sense of calling

Cameron cites the empirical research that these strategies are rooted in and that supports their bottom-line effectiveness, lays out a proven process for implementing them, and includes a self-assessment instrument and a guide to assist leaders in the implementation process. Positive Leadership is a concise, thoroughly researched, and practical guide that any leader can use to generate truly amazing results.


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Book Details

Beyond Success

Positive Leadership shows how to reach beyond ordinary success to achieve extraordinary effectiveness, spectacular results, and what Kim Cameron calls “positively deviant performance”—performance far above the norm. Citing a wide range of research in organizational behavior, medical science, and psychology as well as real-world examples, Cameron shows that to achieve exceptional success, leaders must emphasize strengths rather than simply focus on weaknesses; foster virtuous actions such as compassion, gratitude, and forgiveness; encourage contribution goals in addition to achievement goals; and enable meaningfulness in work. In this concise, inspiring, and practical guide, Cameron describes four positive leadership strategies, lays out a proven process for implementing them, and includes a self-assessment instrument. This second edition has been updated throughout with new research findings and new ideas for implementing positive leadership.
  • By the coauthor of Developing Management Skills (over 250,000 copies sold)

  • Draws on cutting-edge researchnot anecdotal personal storiesto show how to achieve success that far exceeds expectations

  • Updated throughout with new research findings and new ideas for implementing positive leadership

Leadership should be about much more than hitting targets and avoiding mistakes. Kim Cameron shows how to reach beyond ordinary success to achieve extraordinary effectiveness, spectacular results, and what he calls "positively deviant performance"performance far above the norm. Positive leadership enables thriving and flourishing rather than simply addressing obstacles and impediments. It helps bring out the best in human nature.

Cameron is one of the founders of the new field of Positive Organizational Scholarship, which studies unusually high-performing organizations. In Positive Leadership he draws on discoveries in this field and in the allied field of positive psychologywhich focuses on high-functioning individualsas well as positive organizational change methodologies. He identifies four interrelated
leadership strategies:

  • Positive Climate: fostering emotions such as optimism, compassion, and gratitude
  • Positive Relationships: building positive energy networks and developing strength-based activities
  • Positive Communications: fostering best-self feedback and supportive communication patterns
  • Positive Meaning: helping people find profound purpose and a sense of calling

Cameron cites the empirical research that these strategies are rooted in and that supports their bottom-line effectiveness, lays out a proven process for implementing them, and includes a self-assessment instrument and a guide to assist leaders in the implementation process. Positive Leadership is a concise, thoroughly researched, and practical guide that any leader can use to generate truly amazing results.

About the Author
Table of Contents

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