Jacqueline Stavros (Author)
Jacqueline (Jackie) Stavros’ passion is working with others to create meaningful results for positive change. She is recognized for her creation of SOAR, a positive approach to strategic thinking, planning, and leading. She is a professor in the College of Business and Information Technology at Lawrence Technological University and Advisor for David L. Cooperrider Center for Appreciative Inquiry. She co-authored many articles and books with two recent: books, Conversations Worth Having: Using Appreciative Inquiry to Fuel Productive and Meaningful Engagement and Thin Book of SOAR: Creating Strategy that Inspires Innovation and Engagement (soar-strategy.com). She has worked across all sectors, including for-profit, nonprofit, government, and a wide spectrum of industries. She has worked in 25 countries using Appreciative Inquiry (AI) to affect the lives of thousands or people and hundreds of organizations improve capacity to thrive and increase performance. Her work has been featured in Forbes, SmartBrief, Detroit’s Live in the D, dbusiness Magazine, and leadership and training blogs and podcasts. She is a keynote speaker on positive approaches to leadership, strategy, and change. She earned a Doctorate of Management in Capacity Building Using an Appreciative Approach: A Relational Process of Building Your Organization’s Future.
David Cooperrider (Author)
David L. Cooperrider is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Organizational Behavior at the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University. He is the author or coauthor of nine books. His 1987 article Appreciative Inquiry Into Organizational Life (with Suresh Srivastva) introduced the concept of Appreciative Inquiry.
D. Lynn Kelley (Author)
D. Lynn Kelley is responsible for enterprise-wide global programming in Six Sigma and Integrated Supply Chain at Textron University.
Contributor to The Change Handbook - Available as article-length Fast Fundamentals whitepaper (PDF download): A New Approach to Strategic Planning