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Sustainable Happiness
Live Simply, Live Well, Make a Difference
Sarah van Gelder (Author) | The Staff of Yes! Magazine (Author)
Publication date: 11/06/2014
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The chapters in this volume were adapted from articles originally published by YES! Magazine. Since its founding in 1996, YES! has been reframing the biggest problems of our time in terms of their solutions. Online and in print, YES! outlines a path forward with in-depth analysis, tools for citizen engagement, and stories about real people working for a better world. YES! Magazine is a nonprofit, ad-free publication and website based near Seattle, Washington. Find additional resources on sustainable happiness at www.yesmagazine.org/happiness-book.
The following authors contributed to this book:
- Jen Angel
is a writer, publicist, and cupcake baker. She lives in Berkeley, California.
- Wendell Berry
is a poet, essayist, and fiction writer, who lives and farms in Henry County, Kentucky.
- Peter Block
is a consultant, speaker, and author of Flawless Consulting, Stewardship, The Answer to How Is Yes, and Community: The Structure of Belonging. He lives in Cincinnati, Ohio
- Puanani Burgess
is a Zen priest, poet, community builder, and Native Hawaiian cultural translator. She is also a member of the board of directors of the Positive Futures Network, publisher of YES! Magazine. Pua lives in Wai‘anae, Hawai‘i.
- Ross Chapin
is an architect and author of Pocket Neighborhoods: Creating Small-Scale Community in a Large-Scale World. He lives on Whidbey Island, Washington.
- Fania Davis
is the co-founder and executive director of Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth, and she serves as counsel to the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers.
- Katherine Gustafson
is a freelance writer, journalist, and editor who began her career in the nonprofit sector. She lives in Washington, D.C.
- Shannon Hayes
is a blogger for YES! Magazine and author of four books, including Radical Homemakers: Reclaiming Domesticity from a Consumer Culture. She farms with three generations of her family in West Fulton, New York.
- Brooke Jarvis i
s an author and freelance writer. She was formerly a YES! Magazine staff editor and is currently a YES! contributing editor. Brooke lives in Seattle, Washington.
- Eric Michael Johnson
is a science writer and creator of “The Primate Diaries,” a Scientific American blog. He is currently a doctoral student in the history of science at the University of British Columbia.
- Erika Kosina
is a freelance writer, editor, and communications consultant based in Nevada City, California.
- Roman Krznaric
is an Australian cultural thinker and author of How Should We Live? Great Ideas from the Past for Everyday Life, How to Find Fulfilling Work, and Empathy: Why It Matters, and How to Get It. He is a founding faculty member of The School of Life in London.
- Annie Leonard
is the executive director of Greenpeace USA. She is also an author, a YES! Magazine contributing editor, and the creator of the “Story of Stuff” series.
- Dan Mahle
is program coordinator at the Whidbey Institute, a facilitator with Generation Waking Up, and creator of the blog Wholehearted Masculine (wholeheartedmasculine.org). He lives in Seattle, Washington.
- John McKnight
is co-director of the Asset-Based Community Development Institute at Northwestern University. He is the author of The Careless Society and co-author with Peter Block of The Abundant Community: Awakening the Power of Families and Neighborhoods.
- Pavithra Methta
is a filmmaker and one of the creative forces behind ServiceSpace (www.servicespace.org) and DailyGood. She is also the co-author of Infinite Vision: How Aravind Became the World’s Greatest Business Case for Compassion.
- Matthieu Ricard
is a Buddhist monk, French interpreter for the Dalai Lama, and the author of seven books, including Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill. He is an active member of the Mind and Life Institute, and lives at the Shechen monastery in Nepal.
- Vandana Shiva
is a world-renowned environmental activist. She has authored more than Jeremy Adam Smith is the author of The Daddy Shift, founding editor of Shareable.net, and Web editor of Greater Good, the online magazine of UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center (http://greatergood.berkeley.edu).
- Sarah van Gelder
is a writer, public speaker, and co-founder and editor in chief of YES! Magazine. Sarah edited one of the first books about the Occupy movement, This Changes Everything: Occupy Wall Street and the 99% and the anthology Making Peace: Healing a Violent World. She lives in Suquamish, Washington.
- Jay Walljasper
is the author of All That We Share: A Field Guide to the Commons and The Great Neighborhood Book. He’s an editor of On the Commons (www.onthecommons.org) and a YES! Magazine contributing editor.
- Richard Wilkinson
is an epidemiologist and co-author with Kate Pickett of The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better.
- Akaya Windwood
is president of the Rockwood Leadership Institute, based in Oakland, California. Akaya speaks and leads trainings nationally and internationally.
(Library Journal Booksmack!)
“I love this beautiful compilation of voices reminding us that happiness isn't something we ‘find.' It's what we become as we align our lives with a thriving community and life-giving earth.”
—Frances Moore Lappé, cofounder of the Small Planet Institute and author of eighteen books
“What makes Sustainable Happiness such an important collection is the book's practicality. It helps readers understand ways they can make things better for themselves and their communities starting this very minute.”
—David Brancaccio, Host, American Public Media's Marketplace Morning Report, and Co–Executive Producer, Fixing the Future
“Somehow a working planet, a thriving society, and a satisfying personal life are hitched together—and this fine volume offers some powerful clues on the search for those connections!”
—Bill McKibben, cofounder of 350.org and author of Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet
“I read this book with both sadness and gladness. Sadness to realize how far astray global culture has led us from the true sources of happiness, and gladness that there are so many wise and practical voices gathered in one book to guide us back to lives of real fulfillment.”
—Margaret J. Wheatley, author of Leadership and the New Science
“A thoroughly enjoyable and thought-provoking collection of ideas. The vital ingredients have been captured and articulated soulfully—beginning from the ‘ground' (the right view to find happiness) to the ‘path' (the right actions to find happiness) so that you may get the ‘fruit' (the result: happiness). Recommended reading for everyone.”
—Karma Tshiteem, Secretary, Gross National Happiness Commission of Bhutan
“These stories of enjoyable forms of supportive local cooperation stimulated by wider individual frames of reference make concrete what ‘sustainable happiness' means. Try it. It's easier than you may think.”
—Ralph Nader, author and public interest advocate
“Everyone's life is a balancing act in the often-difficult world. This enlightening anthology offers a trove of helpful reflection on what it really means to have and to be, reminding us that joy is there to be found.”
—Mollie Katzen, chef and author of the Moosewood Cookbook
“Sustainable Happiness is a fine selection of thoughtful articles. You'll come away with a deeper understanding of how we can improve the quality of all of our lives while passing on a verdant planet to our descendants. I heartily recommend this book!”
—John de Graaf, author and cofounder of the Happiness Alliance
“The Sustainable Happiness volume delivers inspiration for your personal journey of joy and well-being as you navigate ‘the pursuit of happiness' in a deeply troubled world. Read this book for the wisdom it contains. It will nourish your soul.”
—Parker J. Palmer, educator and author of Let Your Life Speak and A Hidden Wholeness
“Finally, a book on ‘the pursuit of happiness' that is not self-referential and small minded! Instead, it is honest, challenging, and invitational to a larger world beyond the small self. What a magnificent collection of writers and ideas!”
—Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM, founder of the Center for Action and Contemplation
“What the happiness movement needs now is actionable examples pointing the way for our future that are rooted in the ‘us,' not just the ‘me.' Sustainable Happiness is the first book to answer that call.”
—Laura Musikanski, author and Executive Director, Happiness Alliance
“Sustainable Happiness offers a gentle tap on the shoulder; an invitation to return to our deeper humanity, to a place that isn't so bogged down in daily chores, minute-to-minute texts, and a brain full of clutter. I loved it!”
—Dee Williams, author and tiny house builder (cofounder of Portland Alternative Dwellings)
“In Sustainable Happiness, YES! has offered us a rich buffet of facts that surprise, ideas that inspire, stories that touch our hearts, and much food for thought. And really, who doesn't want to be happy?”
—Lama Tsomo, author of the forthcoming book Why Is the Dalai Lama Always Smiling?
“The wealth of Sustainable Happiness grows out of the wisdom that has guided the beautiful growth of YES! initiatives—invariably, a celebration of ordinary people setting daily examples of courageous commoning, step-by-step, with infinite patience yet a necessary sense of urgency.”
—Madhu Suri Prakash, writer and educator
“Sustainable Happiness blazes a trail into the brave new world of transforming extremely materialistic development models into ones that create true prosperity and happiness and of changing consciousness. A great book!”
—John Perkins, bestselling author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
“Modern society is a network of lures intended to create emotional dependencies: seduce and reduce ‘humans'' to ‘consumers.' Dig into Sustainable Happiness. Join the revolution of perception. Your happiness depends on it.”
—Makana, musician, composer, and activist
Part 1: What We Know about Real Well-Being
1. The Movement to Live More Simply Is Older Than You Think, by Roman Krznaric
2. Ten Things Science Says Will Make You Happy, by Jen Angel
3. Who Pays the Price for Cheap Stuff?, by Annie Leonard
4. Why Everyone Is Happier in More Equitable Societies, by Brooke Jarvis with Richard Wilkinson
5. We Are Hardwired to Cooperate and Share, by Eric Michael Johnson
6. Why Saying Hello Matters, by Akaya Windwood
Part 2: The Practice of Happiness (or, How You Can Get Some)
7. This Is Your Life—Show Up for It Mindfully, by Matthieu Ricard
8. Give Yourself a Break: Take a Tech Sabbath, by Erika Kosina
9. Kick Your Addictions, Return to Intimacy, by Dan Mahle
10. Stop Worrying and Find Work You Love, by Roman Krznaric
11. Follow Your Calling (Even When It Scares You), by Shannon Hayes
12. Share Meals with Loved Ones, by Katherine Gustafson
13. Choose Gratitude, by Jeremy Adam Smith
Part 3: Sustainable Happiness and the Beloved Community
14. The Story of Your Gift, by Puanani Burgess
15. Heal, Don't Punish, by Fania Davis
16. The Hidden Treasures in Your Neighborhood, by John McKnight and Peter Block
17. How to Design Your Neighborhood for Happiness, by Jay Walljasper
18. Lessons in Gratitude from a Pay-It-Forward Restaurant, by Pavithra Mehta
19. Everything I Need to Know about Happiness, I Learned in the Forest, by Vandana Shiva
Conclusion: Ten Ways Sustainable Happiness Can Change the World
How We Lost Track of Real Happiness and Where to Find It Now
Sarah van Gelder
In the last 100 years, we got very confused about happiness. This is no small thing. The way we define happiness drives what we do, what we’re willing to sacrifice, and how we spend our money and our time.
This confusion didn’t just happen. Advertisers spend billions spreading the illusion that more stuff will bring us happiness. And policy wonks of all political stripes—but especially those connected to business interests—spread the message that economic growth leads to well-being. Both are false promises that have instead been undermining the very conditions that could lead to sustainable happiness.
Sustainable happiness is built on a healthy natural world and a vibrant and fair society. It is a form of happiness that endures, through good and bad times, because it starts with the fundamental requirements and aspirations of being human. You can’t obtain it with a quick fix; sustainable happiness cannot be achieved at the expense of others.
The good news is that sustainable happiness is achievable, it could be available to everyone, and it doesn’t have to cost the planet. It begins by assuring that everyone can obtain a basic level of material security. But beyond that, more stuff isn’t the key to happiness.
It turns out that we don’t need to use up and wear out the planet in a mad rush to produce the stuff that is supposed to make us happy. We don’t need people working in sweatshop conditions to produce cheap stuff to feed an endless appetite for possessions. We don’t even need economic growth, although some types of growth do help.
The research shows that sustainable happiness comes from other sources. We need loving relationships, thriving natural and human communities, opportunities for meaningful work, and a few simple practices, like gratitude. With that definition of sustainable happiness, we really can have it all.
A Short History of American-Style Happiness
Consumption has not always been king in the United States. It became a national preoccupation beginning in the 1920s when business leaders began worrying that Americans were satiated, that they had all the appliances and consumer goods they wanted.1 Executives and pro-business politicians thought the economy would stall if people chose to spend time enjoying life rather than working more and buying more.
So the advertising industry joined forces with Freudian psychologists to channel our desires—to link the universal wish for status, love, and self-esteem with the new “Gospel of Consumerism.”2
“Wants are almost insatiable,” claimed President Herbert Hoover’s report on the economy, published just months before the 1929 crash. “One want satisfied makes way for another…. We have a boundless field before us; there are new wants that will make way endlessly for newer wants, as fast as they are satisfied… by advertising and other promotional devices, by scientific fact finding, by a carefully predeveloped consumption a measurable pull on production has been created… it would seem that we can go on with increasing activity.”3
The modern advertising industry systematically set out to redefine our beliefs about happiness. Freudian psychoanalyst Ernest Dichter is one of those who joined forces with the advertising industry. “To some extent,” he said, “the needs and wants of people have to be continuously stirred up.”4
Their strategy works. Today, an iPad, the right vacation, or the latest sneakers have become prerequisites for getting respect. Certain brands of beer are synonymous with friendship and a sense of community. An oversized house points to status and proof of your earnings and ability to provide for a family. These are all, of course, ideas created by advertisers whose clients profit when we buy more than we need.
But buying all this stuff has real consequences. Houses today are, on average, twice as large per person as they were 40 years ago.5 The burden of debt for those extra rooms and deluxe finishes lasts for decades. Some get addicted to the buyer’s high that follows a big purchase, but the initial exuberance spikes and disappears quickly. The debt, the extra work hours required to pay it off, and the resulting time away from friends and family go on and on.
Exhausted by long hours working and commuting, people begin to wonder what happened to real happiness. Advertisers are there with the answer: You just need to spend still more on plastic surgery, antidepressants, or a new car. The average child in the United States sees between 50 and 70 ads a day on television6; the average adult sees 60 minutes of ads and promotions a day.7
For the working poor, those on limited incomes, and the unemployed, much of the stuff that advertisers claim will bring happiness is out of reach, making the false promises a cruel joke. For all income levels, but especially for the poor, advertising becomes a relentless reminder that one is falling short of what others have—and of the good life.
“Who tells the stories of a culture really governs human behavior,” said media scholar George Gerbner. “It used to be the parent, the school, the church, the community…. Now it’s a handful of global conglomerates that have nothing to tell, but a great deal to sell.”8
The conversation about sources of fulfillment and joy has been colonized by the advertisers that manufacture the mindset of the consumer culture.
Paying the Price for Cheap Stuff
The workers who make and distribute our stuff are among those who pay the price for our consumer lifestyle. When people lack money, but are told that more stuff is essential to their happiness, low prices become paramount. Local businesses are driven into bankruptcy by big-box stores that can slash prices by paying rock-bottom wages.
Production workers find themselves unwilling participants in a race to the bottom for the lowest wage. Employers pick up and relocate if wages and safety standards are lower somewhere else or if workers begin organizing a union.
The nonhuman life of the planet suffers, too, from the colossal ecological burden of producing all our stuff. Human activity is causing species to go extinct at 1,000 times the rate that would otherwise occur in nature, according to a recent study published in Science.9 Industrial chemicals turn up in the bodies of sea mammals in the Arctic—and in our own bodies. A giant patch of plastic garbage circulates in the Pacific Ocean, poisoning wildlife up and down the food chain. Most troubling of all are the effects of burning massive quantities of fossil fuels and clear-cutting and burning forests. The carbon saturating the atmosphere is turning the ocean acidic and overheating the planet. The disruption of the climate threatens our coastlines, food supplies, and sources of fresh water, and supercharges wildfires and massive storms.
Growth No Longer Delivers Happiness
More consumption was supposed to bring happiness to us as individuals, and likewise, economic growth was supposed to bring well-being to society as a whole.
The postwar period was considered an economic success story, and especially in the ‘60s and ‘70s, it was a time when many were lifted out of poverty and the gap between rich and poor was much smaller than it is today. The growth of the economy as measured by Gross Domestic Product (GDP) rose steadily.
But the GDP is an untrustworthy measure. It gauges economic activity, whether or not that activity means improvements. Dig a strip mine and sell the metals, minerals, or coal, and the GDP will thank you—even if you pollute the drinking water for thousands. Raise fresh food in your garden, share it with friends and with the local homeless shelter, and stay healthy and happy, and the GDP doesn’t budge.
The Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI), on the other hand, measures overall well-being; it subtracts out harmful things like crime, illness, farmland loss, and declining water quality, and adds in contributions to the economy that the GDP doesn’t count, like unpaid work in the home and volunteering in the community.
Until 1979, GDP and GPI both increased in the United States, more or less in tandem. But after 1979, something different happened. The GDP continued growing, while the GPI stalled. More and more of our time and resources were invested in economic growth, but it was no longer delivering happiness, especially for those still stuck in poverty.
Why did the size of the economy continue to grow while well-being stagnated?
The culprits are “a rising of income inequality combined with environmental and social costs rising faster than consumption-related benefits,” says Ida Kubiszewski and colleagues in a paper published in Ecological Economics.10
In other words, we’re not getting much happiness for all the time, money, and natural resources we’re using—and the benefits are going mostly to those at the top.
What changed? Among other things, free trade agreements and pro-corporate governments now make it possible for transnational corporations to outsource production to the lowest-wage regions of the world with the fewest regulations guarding worker and environmental safety. That strategy keeps prices down. But it makes it easy for corporations to slash good jobs and exploit workers here and internationally. The poverty wages and abuse of farmworkers in the United States, the numerous factory fires and the collapse of the Rana Plaza building in Bangladesh, the suicides at the Chinese factories that make Apple products, and the blood diamonds in the Congo are just some examples of the high price paid by those who produce our stuff.
Productivity has risen throughout the postwar era, especially with the deployment of computers and robotics. More is now produced with an hour of worker time than ever. The increased income from that productivity could have been shared with workers in the form of higher pay or fewer hours for the same pay. Or the profits could have been taxed to fund higher education, infrastructure upgrades, a high-speed transportation system, a transition to a green economy, or any number of other things that would increase sustainable happiness. Instead, companies used the increased productivity to lay off workers, offer huge compensation packages to executives, purchase other companies, and pay out high returns to wealthy stockholders. And they spent billions on lobbyists and campaign contributions to win favorable laws, reduced taxes and regulations, and sweetheart trade deals. Organized labor no longer has enough clout to negotiate for a share of the increased income; wages have stagnated since the ‘70s, while the income and assets of the top 1 percent—and especially the top 0.1 percent—have skyrocketed.
A Diminished Quality of Life
The dominance of this profit-driven economy is undermining our quality of life.
To get by in an age of stagnant wages and government indifference, Americans work longer and longer hours. Those at the bottom of the income ladder, especially single parents, often work two or three jobs to bring in enough to get by, and many live in poverty even while working full-time. With long hours (plus long commutes), who has time to be happy?
This form of corporate-driven consumerism increases inequality and undermines family life, and it’s gobbling up the natural resources of our planet. Mountaintops are blown off, forests converted to tar-sands open-pit mines, and farmland converted into fracking drill sites and strip malls. The planet has limits—a reality overlooked by those who preach unending economic growth. We now have industrial chemicals in our water supply, Dust Bowl-style droughts, acidifying oceans, dying bee colonies, melting polar ice, and extreme hurricanes and fire storms. There’s a saying, “If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.” Mother Earth is not happy.
Many people are concerned about these issues, of course. But ordinary people don’t have the resources to get the attention of elected officials, who must raise millions of dollars to run national campaigns. A recent study11 by two prominent academics, slated for publication in the Fall 2014 Perspectives in Politics, confirms that the United States has become an oligarchy. The views of ordinary people and their advocacy groups have virtually no effect on policy, the study found. Yet economic elites and organizations representing business interests have “substantial independent impacts” on government policy.
This is how inequality undermines sustainable happiness. The promise that more stuff brings happiness turns out to be a false promise. Likewise, the claim that the rising tide of economic growth “lifts all boats” is also false.
So Where Can We Find Sustainable Happiness Now?
If economic growth and consumerism aren’t a recipe for sustainable happiness, then how do we get it?
Sustainable happiness is a form of well-being that goes deep —it’s not a fleeting sensation of pleasure or a temporary ego boost. Instead, it is enduring because it taps into our most authentic aspirations and involves building relationships and practices that support us through good times and bad (see Part 2).
Sustainable happiness is built on a mutually supportive community. It grows out of the recognition that our well-being is linked to that of our neighbors. When we know that we can count on others in difficult times, that there is a place for everyone, and that we can make a meaningful contribution and be recognized for it, we have the foundations of sustainable happiness.
And sustainable happiness grows out of a healthy living Earth. At a very basic level, it comes from recognizing that each drink of water, each breath of air, the food that grows out of the soil or comes from the waters—all is possible because of the living ecosystems of the planet. Sustainable happiness goes deeper, though, to a celebration of the natural world even when it is not offering us a direct benefit.
The good news is that sustainable happiness is compatible with a healthy environment, an equitable world, and our own fulfillment. And it is contagious—the things that create well-being for one person tend to be good for others and for all life.
Sustainable happiness is possible—but much depends on the choices we make individually and as a society. Here are some places to start: 1) Stop the causes of trauma and support healing, 2) Build economic and social equity, 3) Value the gifts we each bring, 4) Protect the integrity of the natural world, and 5) Develop practices that support our own well-being.
1. Stop the Trauma
Like the common-sense rule contained in the Hippocratic Oath, we could start by doing no harm.
Life inevitably brings some kinds of hurt: A relationship breaks up, a loved one dies, or a job fails to materialize. With support from friends and family, we recover and go on.
Yet there are types of trauma that can be debilitating for a lifetime and even across generations. And many are preventable.
Veterans suffer high rates of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, 30 percent of those treated in VA hospitals after returning from deployment in Afghanistan or Iraq have PTSD.12 Their children also suffer and are more likely to be anxious or depressed.13
Sexual violence is another way large numbers of people are traumatized. An estimated one in five women will be raped over the course of her lifetime, and a third of rape survivors will experience PTSD. Survivors are also three times as likely to have an episode of serious depression.14
Nearly 700,000 children are subjected to sexual and physical abuse each year in the United States, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.15 Children suffer disproportionately from poverty, which also causes lasting trauma.
And there are the intersecting traumas caused by generations of exclusion, economic dislocation, and violence directed at people of color, who experience higher rates of PTSD as a result of ongoing racism, according to research cited by Dr. Monica Williams in Psychology Today.16
Among the most important ways to create a happier world is to end the wars, abuse, and exclusion that are sources of continued trauma, and to support the healing of survivors.
2. Create Equity
Stress can be healthy, if it’s the right kind. Short-term stress actually increases memory and mental function.17 But chronic stress—especially stress caused by events over which we have little control—increases the risk of heart disease and the likelihood of death. The Whitehall Studies—the famous 20th-century investigations into the causes of death and disease among British civil servants—showed that low-status workers had a death rate three times higher than those in the upper reaches of the hierarchy, even when controlling for other class-based stress factors.18 Moreover, the damage caused by inequality extends beyond the work place. Epidemiologist Richard Wilkinson has demonstrated that those living in unequal societies have many times higher rates of mental illness, homicide, and teen pregnancy (see Chapter 4).
So if we want healthier and happier lives, we need a more equitable society—fairer in both an economic sense and in terms of the empowerment we all have to determine our own lives.
3. Value Everyone’s Gifts
It may be counterintuitive, but sustainable happiness comes from what we give, not what we take or even what we have. People who find their unique gift and are able to offer it to others are often happiest (see Chapter 14).
Cameron Anderson, a professor at the Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley, published a study in Psychology Science that shows winning the respect and admiration of our peers matters more than having stuff. “You don’t have to be rich to be happy, but instead be a valuable contributing member to your groups,” says Anderson. “What makes a person high in status in a group is being engaged, generous with others, and making self sacrifices for the greater good.”19
Likewise, research cited in YES! Magazine by Stacey Kennelly shows that our happiness increases when we have the respect of our peers, but not necessarily when we have a higher income or more wealth.20
College students who are politically engaged are happier, according to research by professor Tim Kasser. “Political activism scores were associated with feeling more pleasant emotions, reporting greater life satisfaction, and having more experiences of freedom, competence, and connection to others,” he says in a YES! Magazine article, “Making a Difference Makes You Happy.”21
4. Protect the Integrity of the Natural World
The natural world doesn’t just bring us happiness; it is what makes life possible, and protecting its integrity contributes to sustainable happiness.
Getting out into nature improves our sense of well-being and is especially important for children. Benefits include reduced stress, improved health, more creativity, and better concentration, says Amy Novotney in the Monitor on Psychology.22
The illusion that humans are separate and apart from the living Earth is finally giving way to an understanding that our fate is tied to the fate of the planet on which we all depend (see Chapter 19). Our work to protect and restore the planet’s ecosystems will mean clean water, healthy foods, a stable climate, and a better shot at sustainable happiness for generations to come.
5. Develop Practices That Support Our Own Well-Being
An egalitarian society that protects the natural world; minimizes war, racism, and abuse; and welcomes the expression of each person’s unique gift provides the foundation for sustainable happiness. But we don’t have to wait for the world to change. There are things we can do at home, too, that boost our own sustainable happiness.
We can exercise, a better cure than prescription drugs for much of what ails us. A sedentary life is as dangerous to health as smoking, according to studies cited by the American College of Sports Medicine.23 Regular moderate exercise not only reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke; it also makes us happier, often controlling depression as effectively as prescription antidepressants.24 It’s much cheaper, and all of the side effects are good.
We can also develop a practice of gratitude (see Chapter 13) and learn to be mindful (see Chapter 7).
Some of the happiest people are those who have survived great illnesses or other major life challenges and have become conscious of the choices they make about their finite lives. There’s something about facing the possible end of life that brings into focus the precious choice we have about how to spend our remaining days.
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way,” Viktor E. Frankl wrote.25
A Global Happiness Reset
As endless growth and bottomless consumption lose their luster as aims for our lives, many people are seeking out better ways to achieve happiness. New approaches are beginning to take hold around the world.
Buen Vivir
Out of the indigenous regions of South America comes the idea of buen vivir (the good life). In this way of thinking, well-being does not just come from the individual pursuit of happiness. It comes from being part of a vibrant world that includes both human and natural communities.26 Instead of serving the economy, the economy exists to serve us. We are here to live well with our families, and it is in relationships of respect and reciprocity with neighbors and with our ecological neighborhood that we will find happiness.
This, of course, is a radical reversal of the economic growth aims of society as promoted by both liberal and conservative political leaders. Instead of seeing nature and human labor as an input into a production machine we call the economy, this perspective aims to foster an ethic of stewardship, mindfulness of the interests of descendants seven generations on, gratitude for what we have—along with a sense of enoughness—and the acknowledgement of the rights of all life.
Buen vivir has now been embedded in the constitutions of Bolivia and Ecuador. This framework has inspired a grassroots approach to the climate crisis and has become the foundation of international discussions, especially in Latin America.
Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness
In 1972, soon after ascending to the position of the Fourth Dragon King of Bhutan, the young Jigme Singye Wangchuck declared that he was more interested in gross national happiness than in gross domestic product. This statement launched studies and assessment surveys, based on Bhutan’s unique culture and values, so that happiness could be used as a yardstick for policymaking in this small Asian nation. Gross national happiness as defined by Bhutan includes psychological well-being, health, education, time use, cultural diversity and resilience, good governance, community vitality, ecological diversity and resilience, and living standards.27
Focusing on the well-being of the people guided Bhutan as it followed its own path, rather than adhering to the interests of global economic forces. Bhutan decided not to join the World Trade Organization, for example, when it concluded that such a move would undermine happiness and well-being.
“If Bhutan joins the WTO, it surrenders, by very definition, the right to determine who participates in defining and achieving the happiness of the Bhutanese whole to external forces…. In other words, Bhutan surrenders to market forces and to the powers that are dominant in the market its own sovereignty,” said Stanford history professor Mark Mancall.28
Bhutan’s idea that happiness, not growth, should be the measure of progress is spreading. The United Nations General Assembly adopted a Bhutan-sponsored resolution in July 2011 that calls on other nations to make happiness and well-being a central feature of their development work, and to develop indicators to measure the well-being of their own people.29
The Happiness Movement in the United States
In the United States, the states of Maryland and Vermont are using the Genuine Progress Indicator to measure happiness. They are factoring in the benefits of volunteer time, housework, educational achievements, and functional highways and streets while subtracting things like crime and the depletion of nonrenewable energy sources. By measuring these and other factors, a more complete picture emerges of real well-being.
“If we look at things holistically, based on health, community connection, arts and culture, the environment, we will govern the country differently,” John deGraaf, a co-founder of the Happiness Alliance, told me. “We will understand that success comes more in societies that are egalitarian, that have great time balance—short hours and shared work, strong social safety nets so people feel secure. We’ll have greater confidence in government and greater trust in each other.”
Maybe happiness sounds like a frivolous endeavor for us as individuals, and especially for governments and the United Nations, to pursue. But consider Thomas Jefferson’s insistence on including the “pursuit of happiness,” rather than “property,” along with life and liberty in the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson was deeply influenced by the Greek notion of eudaimonia, which refers not to a fleeting pleasure but to the essentials of what it means to be human—in other words, to human dignity.
In this sense, sustainable happiness is not frivolous at all. There aren’t enough resources in the world for all of us to live a consumer lifestyle. But by choosing wisely, we can have a world in which each of us can live in dignity.
Those who are affluent can gain happiness by eschewing excess consumption, de-cluttering, practicing gratitude, relishing good times with loved ones, and protecting the natural environment.
For those lacking the means to provide for themselves and their families, an increase in access to resources can result in real improvements in well-being.
As a whole, we stand to gain a lot. A more equitable world fosters trust, increasing our capacity to work together to solve the big problems of our time. It means a world with less crime, less disease, less corruption, and less waste. And it’s a world in which we make the best possible use of the natural resources we extract from the Earth by making sure that—to loosely paraphrase Gandhi—our natural wealth goes to meet needs, not greed.
Ways of life that focus more on happiness and less on economic growth leave time for family, community, and the development of the many dimensions of our lives that we know bring real happiness.
One more thing: In a time of increasing disruptions related to a changing climate and economic dislocation, our challenge will be to create the conditions that encourage us to turn to each other in hard times, not turn on each other. We are far more likely to achieve that in a more equitable world, where we are mindful of the many blessings we have and skilled at discovering sources of happiness that don’t cost the planet, but are abundant and free.
The Movement to Live Simply Is Older Than You Think
Roman Krznaric
When Pope Francis first assumed office, he shocked his minders by turning his back on a luxury Vatican palace and opting instead to live in a small guest house. He has also become known for taking the bus rather than riding in the papal limousine.
Simple living is not about abandoning luxury, but discovering it in new places.
The Argentinian pontiff is not alone in seeing the virtues of a simpler, less materialistic approach to the art of living. In fact, simple living is undergoing a contemporary revival—in part due to the ongoing recession forcing so many families to tighten their belts; but also because working hours are on the rise and job dissatisfaction has hit record levels, prompting a search for less cluttered, less stressful, and more time-abundant living.2
At the same time, an avalanche of studies, including ones by Nobel Prize-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman, have shown that as our income and consumption rise, our levels of happiness don’t keep pace.3 Buying expensive new clothes or a fancy car might give us a short-term pleasure boost. But this doesn’t add much to most people’s happiness in the long term. It’s no wonder there are so many people searching for new kinds of personal fulfillment that don’t involve a trip to the shopping mall or online retailers.
Many people don’t realize that simple living is a tradition that dates back almost 3,000 years, and has emerged as a philosophy of life in almost every civilization.
What might we learn from history’s great masters of simple living as we rethink our lives today?
Eccentric Philosophers and Religious Radicals
Anthropologists have long noticed that simple living comes naturally in many hunter-gatherer societies. In one famous study, Marshall Sahlins pointed out that aboriginal people in Northern Australia and the !Kung people of Botswana typically worked only three to five hours a day.4 Sahlins wrote that “rather than a continuous travail, the food quest is intermittent, leisure abundant, and there is a greater amount of sleep in the daytime per capita per year than in any other condition of society.” These people were, he argued, the “original affluent society.”
In the Western tradition of simple living, the place to begin is in ancient Greece, around 500 years before the birth of Christ. Socrates believed that money corrupted our minds and morals, and that we should seek lives of material moderation rather than dousing ourselves with perfume or reclining in the company of courtesans. When the shoeless sage was asked about his frugal lifestyle, he replied that he loved visiting the market “to go and see all the things I am happy without.” The philosopher Diogenes—son of a wealthy banker—held similar views, living off alms and making his home in an old wine barrel.
We shouldn’t forget Jesus himself who, like Guatama Buddha, continually warned against the “deceitfulness of riches.”5 Devout early Christians soon decided that the fastest route to heaven was imitating his simple life. Many followed the example of St. Anthony, who in the third century gave away his family estate and headed out into the Egyptian desert where he lived for decades as a hermit.
Later, in the thirteenth century, St. Francis took up the simple living baton. “Give me the gift of sublime poverty,” he declared, and asked his followers to abandon all their possessions and live by begging.6
Simplicity Arrives in Colonial America
Simple living started getting seriously radical in the United States in the early colonial period. Among the most prominent exponents were the Quakers—a Protestant group officially known as the Religious Society of Friends—who began settling in the Delaware Valley in the seventeenth century. They were adherents of what they called “plainness” and were easy to spot, wearing unadorned dark clothes without pockets, buckles, lace, or embroidery.7 As well as being pacifists and social activists, they believed that wealth and material possessions were a distraction from developing a personal relationship with God.
But the Quakers faced a problem. With growing material abundance in the new land of plenty, many couldn’t help developing an addiction to luxury living. The Quaker statesman William Penn, for instance, owned a grand home with formal gardens and thoroughbred horses, which was staffed by five gardeners, 20 slaves, and a French vineyard manager.
Partly as a reaction to people like Penn, in the 1740s a group of Quakers led a movement to return to the spiritual and ethical roots of their faith. Their leader was an obscure farmer’s son who has been described by one historian as “the noblest exemplar of simple living ever produced in America.” His name? John Woolman.
Woolman is now largely forgotten, but in his own time he was a powerful force who did far more than wear plain, undyed clothes. After setting himself up as a cloth merchant in 1743 to gain a subsistence living, he soon had a dilemma: his business was much too successful. He felt he was making too much money at other people’s expense.
In a move not likely to be recommended at Harvard Business School, he decided to reduce his profits by persuading his customers to buy fewer and cheaper items. But that didn’t work. So to further reduce his income, he abandoned retailing altogether and switched to tailoring and tending an apple orchard.
Woolman also vigorously campaigned against slavery. On his travels, whenever receiving hospitality from a slave owner, he insisted on paying the slaves directly in silver for the comforts he enjoyed during his visit. Slavery, said Woolman, was motivated by “the love of ease and gain,” and no luxuries could exist without others having to suffer to create them.
The Birth of Utopian Living
Nineteenth-century America witnessed a flowering of utopian experiments in simple living. Many had socialist roots, such as the short-lived community at New Harmony in Indiana, established in 1825 by Robert Owen, a Welsh social reformer and founder of the British cooperative movement.
In the 1840s, the naturalist Henry David Thoreau took a more individualist approach to simple living, famously spending two years in his self-built cabin at Walden Pond, where he attempted to grow most of his own food and live in isolated self-sufficiency (though by his own admission, he regularly walked a mile to nearby Concord to hear the local gossip, grab some snacks, and read the papers).8 It was Thoreau who gave us the iconic statement of simple living: “A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone.” For him, richness came from having the free time to commune with nature, read, and write.
Simple living was also in full swing across the Atlantic. In 19th-century Paris, bohemian painters and writers like Henri Murger—author of the autobiographical novel that was the basis for Puccini’s opera La Bohème—valued artistic freedom over a sensible and steady job, living off cheap coffee and conversation while their stomachs growled with hunger.
Redefining Luxury for the 21st Century
What all these people had in common was a desire to subordinate their material desires to some other ideal—whether based on ethics, religion, politics, or art. They believed that embracing a life goal other than money could lead to a more meaningful and fulfilling existence.
Woolman, for instance, “simplified his life in order to enjoy the luxury of doing good,” according to one of his biographers. For Woolman, luxury was not sleeping on a soft mattress but having the time and energy to work for social change, through efforts such as the struggle against slavery.
Simple living is not about abandoning luxury, but discovering it in new places. These masters of simplicity are not just telling us to be more frugal, but suggesting that we expand the spaces in our lives where satisfaction does not depend on money. Imagine drawing a picture of all those things that make your life fulfilling, purposeful, and pleasurable. It might include friendships, family relationships, being in love, the best parts of your job, visiting museums, political activism, crafting, playing sports, volunteering, and people-watching.
There is a good chance that most of these activities cost very little or nothing. We don’t need to do much damage to our bank balance to enjoy intimate friendships, uncontrollable laughter, dedication to causes or quiet time with ourselves.
As the humorist Art Buchwald put it, “The best things in life aren’t things.” The overriding lesson from Thoreau, Wool-man, and other simple-living ancestors is that we should aim, year after year, to enlarge these areas of free and simple living on the map of our lives. That is how we will find the luxuries that constitute our hidden wealth.