The 8 Dimensions of Leadership

DiSC Strategies for Becoming a Better Leader

Jeffrey Sugerman (Author) | Mark Scullard (Author) | Emma Wilhelm (Author)

Publication date: 05/16/2011

Bestseller over 45,000+ copies sold

The 8 Dimensions of Leadership
How can people best develop their leadership skills to match their personality, to amplify their strengths, and to compensate for their weaknesses? This is the first book to answer this question with the latest version of the DiSC model of human behavior, which is one of the most widely used, most scientifically based, and most effective approaches to assessing and improving leadership styles and skills. How can people best develop their leadership skills to match their personality, to amplify their strengths, and to compensate for their weaknesses? This is the first book to answer this question with the latest version of the DiSC model of human behavior, which is one of the most widely used, most scientifically based, and most effective approaches to assessing and improving leadership styles and skills.

  • Employs the latest version of the DiSC system--one of the most widely trusted personality assessments used in business today

  • Stengthens your leadership by both helping you understand your own style and showing what you can learn from other styles

  • Includes leadership assessments you can take online

  • Click here for Press Release


Nobody is really prepared to be a leader, In fact, many leaders never even planned on becoming one--it was just the next logical step in their careers. That's why there are so many books on leadership. So why one more? Because too many books take too narrow a view. They tell you to focus on your particular strength, which is only a part of the story. What you really need is a broad perspective on all behaviors needed to be an effective leader.

The 8 Dimensions of Leadership offers both. Based on the recently developed third generation of the DiSC personality assessment--one of the oldest, most widely used, and most scientifically validated tools available--it identifies eight individual leadership styles. By taking a basic version of this assessment online, you can find out if you are a Pioneering, Energizing, Affirming, Inclusive, Humble, Deliberate, Resolute, or Commanding leader. The authors help you understand the psychological drivers, motivations, and "blind spot" characteristic of each style.

But no one style will take youy all the way. A Humble leader may have a hard time making tough decisions. A Commanding leader may run roughshod over people who could be allies. After another assessment to point out the specific areas you need to work on, the authors detail the lessons all leaders can learn from each style. You may always be essentially a Deliberate leader, but to succeed you need to know when you should be a little more Pioneering. This book shows you how to develop a truly multidimensional leadership approach.

After reading The 8 Dimensions of Leadership, you will be able to craft your own approach to leadership--exploring the strengths and challenges of all eight leadership styles--to become the leader you aspire to be.


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Book Details
How can people best develop their leadership skills to match their personality, to amplify their strengths, and to compensate for their weaknesses? This is the first book to answer this question with the latest version of the DiSC model of human behavior, which is one of the most widely used, most scientifically based, and most effective approaches to assessing and improving leadership styles and skills. How can people best develop their leadership skills to match their personality, to amplify their strengths, and to compensate for their weaknesses? This is the first book to answer this question with the latest version of the DiSC model of human behavior, which is one of the most widely used, most scientifically based, and most effective approaches to assessing and improving leadership styles and skills.

  • Employs the latest version of the DiSC system--one of the most widely trusted personality assessments used in business today

  • Stengthens your leadership by both helping you understand your own style and showing what you can learn from other styles

  • Includes leadership assessments you can take online

  • Click here for Press Release


Nobody is really prepared to be a leader, In fact, many leaders never even planned on becoming one--it was just the next logical step in their careers. That's why there are so many books on leadership. So why one more? Because too many books take too narrow a view. They tell you to focus on your particular strength, which is only a part of the story. What you really need is a broad perspective on all behaviors needed to be an effective leader.

The 8 Dimensions of Leadership offers both. Based on the recently developed third generation of the DiSC personality assessment--one of the oldest, most widely used, and most scientifically validated tools available--it identifies eight individual leadership styles. By taking a basic version of this assessment online, you can find out if you are a Pioneering, Energizing, Affirming, Inclusive, Humble, Deliberate, Resolute, or Commanding leader. The authors help you understand the psychological drivers, motivations, and "blind spot" characteristic of each style.

But no one style will take youy all the way. A Humble leader may have a hard time making tough decisions. A Commanding leader may run roughshod over people who could be allies. After another assessment to point out the specific areas you need to work on, the authors detail the lessons all leaders can learn from each style. You may always be essentially a Deliberate leader, but to succeed you need to know when you should be a little more Pioneering. This book shows you how to develop a truly multidimensional leadership approach.

After reading The 8 Dimensions of Leadership, you will be able to craft your own approach to leadership--exploring the strengths and challenges of all eight leadership styles--to become the leader you aspire to be.

About the Authors
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