The Change Cycle
How People Can Survive and Thrive in Organizational Change
Ann Salerno (Author) | Lillie Brock (Author)
Publication date: 06/16/2008
Dealing with organizational change is about getting through the emotion and commotion with minimal damage to your blood pressure, career, relationships, and confidence. In The Change Cycle, Ann Salerno and Lillie Brock help readers cope by explaining the six predictable and sequential stages of change—loss, doubt, discomfort, discovery, understanding, and integration—and offer examples, tools, and success strategies so you can move resourcefully through each stage.
Each chapter focuses on a single stage of the Change Cycle, described in a lively, informal style peppered with frequent humor. Utilizing stories and essays about the ways people, departments, and teams have successfully dealt with challenges, Salerno and Brock offer examples, tools, and success strategies so individuals at all levels will know what to expect from themselves and others and will be able to resourcefully move through each stage.
Based on the authors’ fifteen years of experience in hundreds of companies and government agencies worldwide and firmly grounded in recent discoveries in social psychology and cognitive neuroscience, The Change Cycle will help readers at all levels take responsibility for how they react and respond in a changing work environment.
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Book Details
Dealing with organizational change is about getting through the emotion and commotion with minimal damage to your blood pressure, career, relationships, and confidence. In The Change Cycle, Ann Salerno and Lillie Brock help readers cope by explaining the six predictable and sequential stages of change—loss, doubt, discomfort, discovery, understanding, and integration—and offer examples, tools, and success strategies so you can move resourcefully through each stage.
Each chapter focuses on a single stage of the Change Cycle, described in a lively, informal style peppered with frequent humor. Utilizing stories and essays about the ways people, departments, and teams have successfully dealt with challenges, Salerno and Brock offer examples, tools, and success strategies so individuals at all levels will know what to expect from themselves and others and will be able to resourcefully move through each stage.
Based on the authors’ fifteen years of experience in hundreds of companies and government agencies worldwide and firmly grounded in recent discoveries in social psychology and cognitive neuroscience, The Change Cycle will help readers at all levels take responsibility for how they react and respond in a changing work environment.
About the Authors