The Leadership Wisdom of Jesus 3rd Edition

Practical Lessons for Today

Charles Manz (Author)

Publication date: 08/01/2011

Bestseller over 80,000+ copies sold

The Leadership Wisdom of Jesus

New edition offers profound lessons in leadership for readers of any religious background

  • New edition of the bestselling classic (over 75,000 copies sold and translated into eight languages)
  • Offers profound lessons in leadership for readers of any religious background
  • Updated throughout, with a new self-assessment chapter

The name Jesus conjures up all kinds of powerful images and emotions. But regardless of religious belief, most people would agree that Jesus was a powerful ethical and spiritual figure and one of the most influential and inspiring people who ever lived. It is in this spirit that Charles Manz-not a theologian but rather a highly regarded leadership professor and consultant-approaches the teachings of Jesus.

The Leadership Wisdom of Jesus is for anyone who wants to become a wise and highly effective leader. It outlines a uniquely constructive and compassionate approach to leadership based on positive spiritual principles contained in the teachings of Jesus. Manz doesn't look to these teachings to support preconceived theories of how to lead but explores the New Testament with an open mind to see what insights it reveals for today's work world. What he finds are powerful lessons that will inspire you to maintain integrity, live on a higher plane, and ultimately achieve your per- sonal and professional goals, no matter what your religious background.

This new edition is updated throughout and includes several new examples and a self- assessment chapter designed to encourage self-examination and personal reflection. Remarkably contemporary and welcoming to all readers, this book will challenge you to evaluate your own leadership style and to consider time-tested spiritual wisdom that can make you more enlightened and more effective.


  • New edition of the bestselling classic (over 75,000 copies sold and translated into eight languages)
  • Offers profound lessons in leadership for readers of any religious background
  • Updated throughout, with a new self-assessment chapter


The name Jesus conjures up all kinds of powerful images and emotions. But regardless of religious belief, most people would agree that Jesus was a powerful ethical and spiritual figure and one of the most influential and inspiring people who ever lived. It is in this spirit that Charles Manznot a theologian but rather a highly regarded leadership professor and consultantapproaches the teachings of Jesus.

The Leadership Wisdom of Jesus is for anyone who wants to become a wise and highly effective leader. It outlines a uniquely constructive and compassionate approach to leadership based on positive spiritual principles contained in the teachings of Jesus. Manz doesnt look to these teachings to support preconceived theories of how to lead but explores the New Testament with an open mind to see what insights it reveals for todays work world. What he finds are powerful lessons that will inspire you to maintain integrity, live on a higher plane, and ultimately achieve your per- sonal and professional goals, no matter what your religious background.

This new edition is updated throughout and includes several new examples and a self- assessment chapter designed to encourage self-examination and personal reflection. Remarkably contemporary and welcoming to all readers, this book will challenge you to evaluate your own leadership style and to consider time-tested spiritual wisdom that can make you more enlightened and more effective.


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Book Details

New edition offers profound lessons in leadership for readers of any religious background

  • New edition of the bestselling classic (over 75,000 copies sold and translated into eight languages)
  • Offers profound lessons in leadership for readers of any religious background
  • Updated throughout, with a new self-assessment chapter

The name Jesus conjures up all kinds of powerful images and emotions. But regardless of religious belief, most people would agree that Jesus was a powerful ethical and spiritual figure and one of the most influential and inspiring people who ever lived. It is in this spirit that Charles Manz-not a theologian but rather a highly regarded leadership professor and consultant-approaches the teachings of Jesus.

The Leadership Wisdom of Jesus is for anyone who wants to become a wise and highly effective leader. It outlines a uniquely constructive and compassionate approach to leadership based on positive spiritual principles contained in the teachings of Jesus. Manz doesn't look to these teachings to support preconceived theories of how to lead but explores the New Testament with an open mind to see what insights it reveals for today's work world. What he finds are powerful lessons that will inspire you to maintain integrity, live on a higher plane, and ultimately achieve your per- sonal and professional goals, no matter what your religious background.

This new edition is updated throughout and includes several new examples and a self- assessment chapter designed to encourage self-examination and personal reflection. Remarkably contemporary and welcoming to all readers, this book will challenge you to evaluate your own leadership style and to consider time-tested spiritual wisdom that can make you more enlightened and more effective.


  • New edition of the bestselling classic (over 75,000 copies sold and translated into eight languages)
  • Offers profound lessons in leadership for readers of any religious background
  • Updated throughout, with a new self-assessment chapter


The name Jesus conjures up all kinds of powerful images and emotions. But regardless of religious belief, most people would agree that Jesus was a powerful ethical and spiritual figure and one of the most influential and inspiring people who ever lived. It is in this spirit that Charles Manznot a theologian but rather a highly regarded leadership professor and consultantapproaches the teachings of Jesus.

The Leadership Wisdom of Jesus is for anyone who wants to become a wise and highly effective leader. It outlines a uniquely constructive and compassionate approach to leadership based on positive spiritual principles contained in the teachings of Jesus. Manz doesnt look to these teachings to support preconceived theories of how to lead but explores the New Testament with an open mind to see what insights it reveals for todays work world. What he finds are powerful lessons that will inspire you to maintain integrity, live on a higher plane, and ultimately achieve your per- sonal and professional goals, no matter what your religious background.

This new edition is updated throughout and includes several new examples and a self- assessment chapter designed to encourage self-examination and personal reflection. Remarkably contemporary and welcoming to all readers, this book will challenge you to evaluate your own leadership style and to consider time-tested spiritual wisdom that can make you more enlightened and more effective.

About the Author
Table of Contents

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