The She Spot

Why Women Are the Market for Changing the World, and How to Reach Them

Lisa Witter (Author) | Lisa Chen (Author)

Publication date: 06/16/2008

Bestseller over 20,000+ copies sold

The She Spot
Women are a huge, uniquely receptive but still underutilized audience for a whole range of social and political causes, not just “women's issues.” In The She Spot, Lisa Witter and Lisa Chen, top executives in the nation's largest public interest communications firm, explain why women's enormous potential is still largely untapped. Citing examples from both the for-profit and nonprofit sectors, they offer specific, detailed advice—much of which flies in the face of conventional wisdom—on how to better connect with women and advance your mission.


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Book Details
Women are a huge, uniquely receptive but still underutilized audience for a whole range of social and political causes, not just “women's issues.” In The She Spot, Lisa Witter and Lisa Chen, top executives in the nation's largest public interest communications firm, explain why women's enormous potential is still largely untapped. Citing examples from both the for-profit and nonprofit sectors, they offer specific, detailed advice—much of which flies in the face of conventional wisdom—on how to better connect with women and advance your mission.
About the Authors
Table of Contents

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