True To Yourself

Leading a Values-Based Business

Mark Albion (Author)

Publication date: 06/19/2006

True To Yourself
How do you build the kind of company you've always wanted to work in—one that serves people and the planet while being financially successful, too? What do you do when you believe that business should serve the common good, but everyday business pressures—meeting payroll, battling competition, keeping customers and investors happy—are at a fever pitch? Leading a small business when you measure success more broadly than with a single financial bottom line is no easy task. True to Yourself is a practical guide to doing just that. It provides tools you can use to combine profit with purpose, margin with mission, value with values.

Drawing on insightful interviews with seventy-five forward-thinking leaders and his own extensive experiences as an entrepreneurial leader, Mark Albion details five critical leadership practices:

Turn your values into value
Walk toward the talk
Communicate with care
Facilitate personal growth
Collaborate for greater impact

True to Yourself shows how successful businesspeople have put these practices into action, and it provides hands-on exercises to help you integrate them into your own business. This trusted guide will help you avoid mistakes while making your job easier, your company more successful, and your life more fulfilling.

• By the author of the New York Times bestseller Making a Life, Making a Living
• The second volume in the Social Venture Network Series for small businesses
• Draws on the author's experience and interviews with 75 innovative small business leaders to offer a practical guide to leadership practices needed to build a business that reflects your values
• Find out more


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Book Details
How do you build the kind of company you've always wanted to work in—one that serves people and the planet while being financially successful, too? What do you do when you believe that business should serve the common good, but everyday business pressures—meeting payroll, battling competition, keeping customers and investors happy—are at a fever pitch? Leading a small business when you measure success more broadly than with a single financial bottom line is no easy task. True to Yourself is a practical guide to doing just that. It provides tools you can use to combine profit with purpose, margin with mission, value with values.

Drawing on insightful interviews with seventy-five forward-thinking leaders and his own extensive experiences as an entrepreneurial leader, Mark Albion details five critical leadership practices:

Turn your values into value
Walk toward the talk
Communicate with care
Facilitate personal growth
Collaborate for greater impact

True to Yourself shows how successful businesspeople have put these practices into action, and it provides hands-on exercises to help you integrate them into your own business. This trusted guide will help you avoid mistakes while making your job easier, your company more successful, and your life more fulfilling.

• By the author of the New York Times bestseller Making a Life, Making a Living
• The second volume in the Social Venture Network Series for small businesses
• Draws on the author's experience and interviews with 75 innovative small business leaders to offer a practical guide to leadership practices needed to build a business that reflects your values
• Find out more

About the Author
Table of Contents

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