Yoga Wisdom At Work

Finding Sanity Off the Mat and On the Job

Maren Showkeir (Author) | Jamie Showkeir (Author)

Publication date: 05/06/2013

Yoga Wisdom At Work
Yoga practitioners fight work stress with stretching and breathing exercises–but does yoga stop when you step off the mat? In this surprising book, the authors show why poses–asanas–are just one part of yoga practice. There are seven other "limbs" of yoga that are often neglected, especially during the workday. Yoga’s Ancient Wisdom Can Transform Your Work Life Everyone knows that yoga helps reduce stress and increase the body’s flexibility and strength. But the physical aspects barely scratch the surface of yoga’s transformative powers. The poses are only one part of a larger philosophy offering profound insights for confronting the complexities of daily life. Yoga can help you remain centered, compassionate, positive, and sane every hour of the day—especially those between nine and five. This unprecedented guide shows how practicing the full range of yogic concepts—the traditional “Eight Limbs of Yoga”—leads to a productive, creative, and energizing work environment and features examples from professions like law enforcement, teaching, banking, filmmaking, medicine, and many more. But beyond that, this book is an invitation to use all of yoga’s teachings to cultivate the spark of the divine that dwells within each of us. “Filled with personal insights and stories that carry yoga into the world of daily decision making.… It is wonderful to see the foundations of practice brought to life in such a confident, sincere, and thoughtful way.” —Pandit Rajmani Tuganait, Chairman and spiritual head of the Himalayan Institute “Maren and Jamie show that yoga is not just about poses—the practice is about creating the stillness of mind that will allow you do the work you were meant to do. Seriously, read this book!” —Russell Simmons, cofounder of Def Jam “The [Showkeirs] bring the deepest teachings of yoga alive by showing exactly how to bring our yoga—and our best selves—into the world.” —Judith Lasater, PhD, author of Relax and Renew: Restful Yoga for Stressful Times


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Book Details
Yoga practitioners fight work stress with stretching and breathing exercises–but does yoga stop when you step off the mat? In this surprising book, the authors show why poses–asanas–are just one part of yoga practice. There are seven other "limbs" of yoga that are often neglected, especially during the workday.Yoga’s Ancient Wisdom Can Transform Your Work Life Everyone knows that yoga helps reduce stress and increase the body’s flexibility and strength. But the physical aspects barely scratch the surface of yoga’s transformative powers. The poses are only one part of a larger philosophy offering profound insights for confronting the complexities of daily life. Yoga can help you remain centered, compassionate, positive, and sane every hour of the day—especially those between nine and five. This unprecedented guide shows how practicing the full range of yogic concepts—the traditional “Eight Limbs of Yoga”—leads to a productive, creative, and energizing work environment and features examples from professions like law enforcement, teaching, banking, filmmaking, medicine, and many more. But beyond that, this book is an invitation to use all of yoga’s teachings to cultivate the spark of the divine that dwells within each of us. “Filled with personal insights and stories that carry yoga into the world of daily decision making.… It is wonderful to see the foundations of practice brought to life in such a confident, sincere, and thoughtful way.” —Pandit Rajmani Tuganait, Chairman and spiritual head of the Himalayan Institute “Maren and Jamie show that yoga is not just about poses—the practice is about creating the stillness of mind that will allow you do the work you were meant to do. Seriously, read this book!” —Russell Simmons, cofounder of Def Jam “The [Showkeirs] bring the deepest teachings of yoga alive by showing exactly how to bring our yoga—and our best selves—into the world.” —Judith Lasater, PhD, author of Relax and Renew: Restful Yoga for Stressful Times

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