You're Addicted to You

Why It's So Hard to Change--And What You Can Do About It

Noah Blumenthal (Author)

Publication date: 03/28/2007

You're Addicted to You
In this lively guide to kicking your self-addictions, executive coach Noah Blumenthal gives readers the tools to break out of their damaging, ingrained behaviors like workaholism, risk aversion, and negativity. It doesn’t just focus on what to change. Rather, it gives the reader an understanding of how to change. All of us have things about ourselves we'd like to change. Maybe you want to be more organized or more outspoken, healthier or thinner. Or perhaps you want to quit smoking, work more efficiently, be a better listener, or a better leader. Whatever you want to change, you probably believe that your success depends on your conviction. The fact of the matter is, willpower alone won't get you to change. Noah Blumenthal illustrates how each of us becomes so thoroughly conditioned to act in old, counterproductive ways that negative behaviors become part of our very being. In a very real sense we become addicted to ourselves. The problem, he explains, isn't that you aren't trying hard enough, but that you've never learned the right way to make difficult changes. Here, he details a proven three-stage strategy--illuminated with practical tools, techniques, and exercises--for breaking self-addictions and conquering damaging behaviors like anger, workaholism, risk aversion, procrastination, overeating, under-exercising--just about anything. We all want to change our counterproductive behaviors. Here, Blumenthal offers a step-by-step guide for how to do it successfully.
  • Introduces the breakthrough concept of "self-addiction" as the roadblock to making life changes
  • Offers a proven strategy for breaking self-addiction and fostering lifelong improvement
  • Includes hands-on tools, techniques, and exercises in every chapter


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Book Details
In this lively guide to kicking your self-addictions, executive coach Noah Blumenthal gives readers the tools to break out of their damaging, ingrained behaviors like workaholism, risk aversion, and negativity. It doesn’t just focus on what to change. Rather, it gives the reader an understanding of how to change.All of us have things about ourselves we'd like to change. Maybe you want to be more organized or more outspoken, healthier or thinner. Or perhaps you want to quit smoking, work more efficiently, be a better listener, or a better leader. Whatever you want to change, you probably believe that your success depends on your conviction. The fact of the matter is, willpower alone won't get you to change. Noah Blumenthal illustrates how each of us becomes so thoroughly conditioned to act in old, counterproductive ways that negative behaviors become part of our very being. In a very real sense we become addicted to ourselves. The problem, he explains, isn't that you aren't trying hard enough, but that you've never learned the right way to make difficult changes. Here, he details a proven three-stage strategy--illuminated with practical tools, techniques, and exercises--for breaking self-addictions and conquering damaging behaviors like anger, workaholism, risk aversion, procrastination, overeating, under-exercising--just about anything. We all want to change our counterproductive behaviors. Here, Blumenthal offers a step-by-step guide for how to do it successfully.
  • Introduces the breakthrough concept of "self-addiction" as the roadblock to making life changes
  • Offers a proven strategy for breaking self-addiction and fostering lifelong improvement
  • Includes hands-on tools, techniques, and exercises in every chapter
About the Author

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