Berrett-Koehler Best Sellers

Showing 145-150 of 1670

Mother Teresa, CEO
By Ruma Bose, Louis Faust III

Did you know that Mother Teresa brought ruthless business savvy to her charitable work?

Whale Done Parenting
By Ken Blanchard, Thad Lacinak, Chuck Tompkins, Jim Ballard

Mega-selling author Ken Blanchard teams up again with his “Whale Done” coauthors to apply to parenting young children the...

Leading from the Emerging Future
By C. Otto Scharmer, Katrin Kaufer, Katrin Kaeufer

In this mind-opening new book, bestselling author Otto Scharmer (Theory U, 40,000 copies sold) and Katrin Kaufer reveal t...

Terms of Engagement
By Dick Axelrod, Richard Axelrod

Many new ways of changing organizations have become popular, replacing the old top-down change methods with methods that ...

Analysis for Improving Performance
By Richard A. Swanson, Richard Swanson

This 2nd Edition of Analyses for Improving Performance (over 16,000 copies sold) details the front-end work essential to ...


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