Dick Axelrod's Page
Instead of being boring and time-wasting, meetings can be places where participants and leaders can get their work done p...
Many new ways of changing organizations have become popular, replacing the old top-down change methods with methods that ...
Everyone needs to involve other people in order to accomplish their tasks and achieve their goals. It doesn't matter if y...
Dick Axelrod posted a blog post
How to Change Your Company Culture One Meeting at a Time
Be it General Motors, the Veterans Administration, or the U.S. Congress, the answer to the problems these organizations face is always the same: change the organization’s culture. Culture change appears to be a daunting task. A task so big, so formidable, we don’t even know where to start. So ...
July 22, 2014
Dick Axelrod is now a member of Berrett-Koehler Community
Dick Axelrod posted a blog post
People with graduate engineering degrees don’t expect to walk the picket line. But that is what you would have seen in February 2000 when over 14,000 Boeing employees went on strike. The largest white-collar strike in U.S. history. Today, despite slumping aircraft demand and layoffs, employee s...
April 2, 2014