Branded Customer Service

The New Competitive Edge

Janelle Barlow (Author) | Paul Stewart (Author)

Publication date: 09/14/2006

Bestseller over 35,000+ copies sold

Branded Customer Service
The author of the bestselling A Complaint is a Gift, (Over 100,000 copies sold) details how to create a definitive, recognizable style of service that reinforces a companies brand values every time a customer interact with an organizational representative. Branding is an integral part of modern business strategy. But while there are dozens of books on branding products and marketing campaigns, nobody has applied the logic and techniques of branding to customer service -- until now. Branded Customer Service is a practical guide to moving service delivery to a new level so that brand reinforcement occurs every time customers interact with organizational representatives. Janelle Barlow and Paul Stewart show how to infuse an entire organization with brand values and create a recognizable style of service that reflects brand promises and brand images.

• By the author of the bestselling A Complaint Is a Gift (more than 100,000 copies sold)
• The first book to combine the dynamics of customer service with the psychology of branding-two of the most powerful concepts in business
• A comprehensive, practical guide that offers strategies, exercises and real-world examples of branded customer service in action


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Book Details
The author of the bestselling A Complaint is a Gift, (Over 100,000 copies sold) details how to create a definitive, recognizable style of service that reinforces a companies brand values every time a customer interact with an organizational representative.Branding is an integral part of modern business strategy. But while there are dozens of books on branding products and marketing campaigns, nobody has applied the logic and techniques of branding to customer service -- until now. Branded Customer Service is a practical guide to moving service delivery to a new level so that brand reinforcement occurs every time customers interact with organizational representatives. Janelle Barlow and Paul Stewart show how to infuse an entire organization with brand values and create a recognizable style of service that reflects brand promises and brand images.

• By the author of the bestselling A Complaint Is a Gift (more than 100,000 copies sold)
• The first book to combine the dynamics of customer service with the psychology of branding-two of the most powerful concepts in business
• A comprehensive, practical guide that offers strategies, exercises and real-world examples of branded customer service in action

About the Authors

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